A Head's Up....
...for those that care. "The Blog" may be a little slow this weekend. (Fun will interfere with it a bit).
And a second note about the "Comments". So far I've left it as a public forum where people can post anonymously. So far. So good. Some of the comments make me a little uncomfortable (not about me - I've got a thick skin after all these years) but nothing objectionable has been posted so far. (OK, one person did drop an "S Bomb" that I deleted). Bottom line: Play fair. Have fun.
- Barry
P.S. I promise to post a very funny story that happened to me last weekend - it involves waking up to strangers inside my house. Good stuff.
Let's Rethink That Strategy

"Nothing Comes Between Me And My Calvins" Was A Long Time Ago

Now Someone Is Thinking Outside Of The Box
I have finally determined how my post death ceremony should be properly conducted.
More Methamphetamine News
Anyone remember Damon Chapman? He was the guy that was convicted last year be a Wise County Jury and sentenced to 40 years in prison. He also made news shortly thereafter when he allegedly tried to escape from the Wise County Jail and was captured in a nearby residential subdivision.
Well, the Fort Worth Court of Appeals has reversed his conviction. (The opinion is here butI suspect you'll get bored with it very quickly).
Worth A Giggle
While waiting to see a young lady wrongly incarcerated at the Jack County Jail this morning, I had a chance to study a very informative poster about drugs. You know, the name of the drug, it's common slang name, effects, dangers, etc. For example, the slang for methamphetamine was listed as "speed, ice, crank, crystal meth."
I was kind of surprised to see the "alcohol" was listed under the depressant section. But then I learned the slang terms for alcohol: "Broosky, Hooch, Mad Dog, Booze, Juice".
It looks like there is big news from the Domestic Violence Task Force (see Update).
Of course the big question is: How does the effect Casino Night?
It Was A Yawner But I Did Learn Something

Tired Head

Makes You Go "Hmmmm"
The Dallas Morning News ran a series of articles over the last couple of weeks on the spending excess of the residents of Collin County (Plano, Rockwall, McKinney). It basically wrote of residents that make a ton of money (over $150,000) but are up to their arse in debt because they can't resist buying their teenage son a BMW, joining country clubs, and buying houses ("McMansions") they can't afford.
But then came this Letter to the Editor today which ended with: "The excess you describe occurs everywhere . . . . If you wrote a series that stereotyped South Dallas as a neighborhood where everyone steals cars. takes drugs and has illegitimate children, you'd have John Wiley Price . . . calling you unfair and racist. Why is it OK to stereotype any other place?"
Officer Lance Armstrong Would Be Different
Channel 8 news tonights had a piece on the Carrollton PD using bicycles. I have never understood that. It would be hot. An officer could not respond to an emergency call very quickly. And they couldn't possibly make a traffic stop.
Hey, wasnt' Decatur PD using bikes a couple of years ago? I haven't seen one lately.
Last Man Standing

Hey, That's Close To What I Did In The NBA Last Year

You Would Hope Your Tax Dollar Would Have Covered This
The Daily Show Is Very Funny

Sans Originality

Just When I Was Having A Good Week

Texas / OU

I Always Thought Those Guy Were Odd

It Doesn't Seem To Make The News Much Anymore
Forty-three were killed in Iraq yesterday.
(But the biggest headline this morning was that Madonna was released from the hospital.)
And To Think I Used To Like "Happy Days"

Random Movie Thought

Can I Have Puff Daddy Since It's Twice Removed?

Doctor Don't Preach

It's The First Time Mark Cuban Didn't Act Like A Billionaire
The NBA has a salary cap and a penalty for going over the cap. That is, for every dollar that a team spends on salaries over the pre-set cap ($61.7 million), the owner of the team must contribute to a league fund an amount equal to the amount his team is over the cap.
That brings us to Michael Finley of the Dallas Mavericks. Under a one-time exception to the new collective bargaining agreement, each NBA club was allow to release one player. If done, the team would still have to pay that player pursuant to that player's contract, but the owner would not have to pay the salary cap penalty that the player's salary would have caused.
Finley was released last night. Over the next three years he will get $50 million for doing nothing. And although owner Mark Cuban has to pay the salary, he will not have to pay another $50 million in salary cap penalties. That's why Finley was released. I want to be Michael Finley.
I Wonder If He Uses Steroids?
Now Rex Wants To Be Paid Like Dr. Phil
It was a pretty news filled Update today: a tragic death out of Jacksboro, a Wise County deputy arrested, and former Bull QB Phillip Daugherty quiting Texas Tech.
But I couldnt help but do a double take on this note: "BE CAREFUL – Monday was a rough day for Decatur police. Chief Rex Hoskins said his officers worked five accidents within a few hours on FM 51 South - none of them involving teenage drivers who were returning to classes at Decatur High School. “We had five officers on the street and they were very busy all day,” he said. Hoskins had to referee a fuss between a mother and her teen-aged daughter after the dispute made its way to the police station. "
Yeah, It's Sappy. But I Like It Anyway
He Hasn't Had A Pot Pie In Two Weeks

I Didn't Even Know There Was A Contest

I Thought That Sounded Fishy
In connection with that plane crash (see below), all the major media reports said yesterday that one of the passengers had sent a text message to a relative speaking of the pilots being unconsciousness and the plane being very cold.
I thought how odd it would be to have the patience to type out a text message in a rapidly descending plane.
Turns out, the man who made the report was lying.
OK, I'm Pretty Sure I Don't Want To Die This Way
"ATHENS (Reuters) - Most of the bodies recovered from a Cypriot plane that crashed [over the weekend] near Athens with 121 people on board were frozen solid, a Greek official said, suggesting the airliner was a flying tomb before it plunged to earth. "
This Is Not Looking Promising
I didn't watch much of the Cowboy game on Saturday night, but I heard this morning that, due to penalites, in the third quarter the Dallas offense was faced with a 3rd down and 50(!!) to go.
You don't see that very often.
It was kind of funny on Fox 4 News tonight as they did a piece on the protestors at the President's Crawford ranch. Somebody had this little kid carrying around a sign that read "Who Would Jesus Bomb?"
Water, Water Everywhere

Wishing I Was Smarter

Random Though By Someone Else

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