A Huge Question Mark Has Formed Over My Head
I think the guy is throwing out some humor, but check out the dude in the Speedo holding the "Raider Pride" sign in the middle of the UT crowd.

Just Think What Would Have Happened . . .

A Good Start To A Friday Evening

I'm So Confused About What "Limited Government" Means To Republicans


Now I Can't Get The Song Out Of My Head
I think this happy couple just ruined my whole day. (Video) <--- Link fixed
(Rated PG for suggestiveness for you sensitive folks out there).
Incredibly Random Thought

Porky Has Died

Practicing in Austin Sounds Fun

Let's Talk Strippers

The Meth Book-In Photo Lady
Remember our meth girl? Well, here's a letter about her in todays Morning News:
Re: "Addict's photos make big picture hard to miss," by Steve Blow, Sunday Metro.
Mr. Blow's column misses the big picture. Scare tactics have never stopped kids from using drugs. Look at the studies on our most famous scare tactic program, DARE. The Roseanne Holland booking photos do not show a woman insufficiently frightened as a child. They show a woman arrested and imprisoned because of her addiction, instead of being treated for it. How would Roseanne Holland have looked after 10 years if she had been arrested and imprisoned for diabetes? Would she have lived that long?
Suzanne Wills, Drug Policy Forum of Texas, Dallas
Am I Still In Texas?

Hey, I've Got $50

Bridgeport Interest Only
You can catch Phillip Daugherty play QB for Sam Houston State tonight (right now, actually) on Fox Sports Southwest.
OK, So Maybe My Day In Court Wasn't So Hard

I Know, I Know, You Don't Care

Slow Posting Day

Glamour Shot?

From The Update

Bling A Bling Bling

Can He Please Have a Fair Trial Before They Hang Him?

A Purpose Driven Caffeine Fit

"Dang It, It Worked In The Video Game"
"ARMED ROBBERY — A juvenile remains in custody after being detained for the armed robbery of the Eastside Grocery Store in Bridgeport Sunday night. Bridgeport police chief Randy Singleton said police were called to the store at 9:50 p.m. where the clerk had been robbed at gunpoint of about $400. After canvassing the city, police received a tip that the suspect might strike again that night at the Allsup’s Convenience Store. The police staked out that store and apprehended the suspect when he arrived at the store. He was also in posesssion [sic] of 12.5 grams of cocaine. The 16-year-old Bridgeport boy was arraigned Monday and remains in custody while the investigation continues." - From the Update
As a consequence, Bridgeport High School was immediately stripped of its "Academically Acceptable" rating.
Battle of The Big Sandy

If You Are Interested In This Sort Of Thing
A pretty good story in the Star Telegram about a lawyer whose son was allegedly molested by and employee of the Boys & Girls Club, makes a claim for $14 million against the organization, then raises hell when a plea bargain- for pen time - in the criminal case is accepted (despite the fact she concurred with the prosecutor that such an offer would be acceptable).
Uh, Your Kids Aren't Smart And I Bet They Don't Read Dear Abby, Either

And I Was Just About To Take Up Drag Racing As Part Of My Mid-life Crisis
I Missed . . .
"I Thought You Looked Familiar"

2:30 Saturday - ABC

Color Me Confused

You Can't Be Fined That Much For A First Degree Felony

The First BCS Poll

Death Trap

And To Think I Just Ate


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