
JFK Anniversary

Here's a bit of a repost from three years ago under the old "Skattershooting" format:
  • I traveled down to the site of the shooting on the afternoon of the 40th anniversary with a digital camera.
  • There were a ton of people there including some nut cases. My brush with greatness came when Jessie Ventura walked towards me and then got really close.
  • Since the City of Dallas refuses to hold any official program to commemorative the anniversary, the conspiracy theory groups simply take over the scene, microphone included.
  • Zapruder [the guy that filmed the JFK assassination simply by chance] sold the film to Life Magazine for $250,000 which was a huge chuck of change in 1964. Heck, it is a lot of money today.
  • If the Zapruder film did not exist, how many more conspiracies would there be?
  • I still have difficulty watching the Zapruder film at the moment of the "head shot".
  • Want to see the type of camera that Zapruder was using?
  • Can you imagine a more horrifying experience than what Jackie Kennedy went through?
  • An amazing still from the Zapruder film right before the fatal shot is here. This is known as frame #312.
  • An amazing web site that documents every single frame of the Zapruder file is here.