Nip It. Nip It In The Bud.

I Love Train Wrecks

Let 'Em Go
Perhaps This Is Why The War Isn't Going Real Well
Soon To Be A UIL Sport

More Britney Obsessive Coverage
Random Olympics Thought
To Please My Vast Audience Of Female Fans

It Wasn't Because He Was Guilty As Sin
The "A" Word

Is This Wrong?

He Wants A "Do Over"

I Pray For The Day One Of My Clients . . .

My Crazy Movie Rule
From The People That Brought You Cue-Cat

Uh Oh

Oh, The Horror

Rich AND Funny

Baby Death Trial
Lightening Up

Bush Has Lost It


Ok, Defend This

There is a crazy story that is taking the nation by storm (and kudos to a faithful reader for emailing this story six days ago although I couldn't believe it). It will only get worse. What you need to know: -- For some crazy reason, our federal government bids out contracts to "run" the coastal ports in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. --(I've yet to find the definition of "run" but apparently the control is expansive). --For the last several years, the company winning the bid to control those ports has been a British company called Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. --We like Britain. They are our friends. Tony Blair likes W. They support our War On Terror. --Last week, a company owned by the Persian Gulf country,the United Arab Emirates, bought the British company. --That means the United Arab Emirates is going to be in charge of major U.S. Ports. --The United Arab Emirates has "Arab" in its name. --Ok, the United Arab Emirates has ties to 9/11 --The Bush Administration, and I am not making this up, is in favor of this deal. --The current director of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff , said this weekend that, "We make sure there are assurances in place, in general, sufficient to satisfy us that the deal is appropriate from a national security standpoint." --Exactly how was this done? Can't tell you, "it's classified". (Sound familiar?) --Even Republicans on Capital Hill are raising hell about this deal. --The Bush Administration is so scared of terrorism that they have to monitor your phone calls. --The Bush Administration isn't worried about the United Arab Emirates running our ports. --I'm confused. Everything you ever need to know can be found here (the results of a Google News search).
Now This Is Funny
What A Nut Case
Curt Gowdy Has Died

Her Biological Clock WON'T Stop Ticking

Edit: Actual photo of the lady