Politics Are So Much More Fun . . .
. . . in Parker County.
(Star Telegram article - if you have time, be sure to look at the flyer which is a pdf file)
Not Bad
It drives me nuts that the Star Telegram and Morning News (and hundreds of other) web sites require you to register before you can view them. It's free, but annoying. I normally create a fake profile making me a 60 year old man from Iowa.
But not more. This site has a database of usernames and passwords that will let you by-pass that registration process. For example, type in www.dallasnews.com and you'll see what I mean.
I'm pretty sure this doesn't qualify as a technical "sin".
I Don't Care About NASCAR . . .
. . . but fans of Dale Earnhardt Sr. and the Texas Motor Speedway will get a kick out of this.
We'll Get Right On That, Sir
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Dick Cheney urged Americans Thursday to do a better job of saving . . . . "The American dream begins with saving money and that should begin on the very first day of work," Cheney told a conference here exploring how to encourage people to boost savings and be better prepared for retirement.
That's pretty easy to say for a guy whose net worth (two years ago) was estimated to be at least $50 million.
Everyone Is Dying

Dream Crazed
I dream all the time that I'm back in school, final exams are approaching, and I haven't been to class in weeks.
It makes me stressed.
And I've had this dream for the last 20 years.
This Will Be The Lead Story On Thursday

Cape Fear . . .

Aggieland - What The . . . .
According to Bob Sturm (of KTCK - The Ticket), the Google videos below all star Texas A&M basketball player Chris Walker.
This will make every Longhorn fan howl with laughter. And make a huge question mark form over the rest of our heads. This stuff is Gold
Thug Luv <------ You have to watch this one What a Wonderful World
Total Eclipse of the Heart ……
The Monster Mash …
As Bob said on his Blog, "Do they have shirts in the basketball dorms at Aggieland?"
Edit: A Longhorn Blog is on to them.
Lindsay Lohan . . .
. . . wears a dress that you wouldn't see even at the Decatur of Chamber of Commerce Auction Night.
Link (PG-13 - Keep little Junior away).
Trivia To Impress Your Friends
Oscar nominated "Crash" had 182 expletives (that's cuss words to you and me), including 99 utterances of the F-Bomb
Gas Prices
I'm not sure how this is possible, but this site claims to publish the gasoline price of every convenience store/gas station once you type in a zip code.
Not To Mention Mr. Burns

Can We Have A Do Over?
It may be the shortest story in the history of ever, but I see we made the Star Telegram this morning under this headline: "WISE COUNTY CONFEDERATE FLAG OK'D"
Uh, Don't Say That
Tonight on the ABC Evening News which featured an interview of President Bush by the (very hot) Elizabeth Vargas:
VARGAS: When you look back on those days immediately following when Katrina struck, what moment do you think was the moment that you realized that the government was failing, especially the people of New Orleans?
BUSH: When I saw TV reporters interviewing people who were screaming for help. It looked - the scenes looked chaotic and desperate. And I realized that our government was-could have done a better job of comforting people.
Ya Know . . .

A funny Fake Maxim pic is here.
Arena Football
Harry Potter News
I don't know who Emma Watson is other than I learned that she is 15 and played the character of Hermione in the Harry Potter movies.
If that means anything to you, and you tend to frown on 15 year olds drinking beer, you might want to take a look at this.
Anna Nicole . . .
Severe Penalty For Early Withdrawal

Great Story
ESPN ran a story yesterday about a mildly autistic high school basketball manager who got to suit up for a game. The coach put him in with four minutes left and the rest was magic.
The CBS news clip of the same story is here. It is worth watching for the crowd and player reaction.
From The Update
FLAG FLAP — There won’t be any Confederate flag flapping in the breeze over the Wise County Courthouse – but it will be displayed inside. That was the decision Monday by commissioners after hearing a request by Clyde McMurray of Bowie . . . . Commissioner Mikel Richardson supporting flying the flag and Commissioners Terry Ross and Robert Rankin opposing the request. Commissioner Kevin Burns suggested a historical display inside the courthouse with the flag and his idea passed unanimously.
I want the Republic of Texas flag displayed next. And then the Mexican flag. And then . . .
I Ain't Saying She's A Gold Digger
Today, the Supreme Court will hear a very boring probate/federal jurisdiction case.
It also involves Anna Nicole Smith who is expected to walk up the Supreme Court steps this morning (I can't wait for the video footage of that).
The standing joke is that she'll try and hit on 85 year old justice, John Paul Stevens.

Another Reason America . . .
. . . is the greatest country in the world.
Link. (Keep the kids away).
Check Out The Big Brain On . . .
All the buzz yesterday at the NFL Combine in Indianapolis involved a supposed score of “6” by Texas quarterback Vince Young on the Wonderlic test. That test is supposed to measure the size of your brain. 50 is the highest. 0 is the lowest.
A sample test is here.
Stars And Bars

A Little Wacky

Crazy College Kids

More Car Crashes
Another video clip of a police chase gone wrong. (Here's the amazing part, look how the vehicle almost ends up on top of him but stops in an amazing sort of way).
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