
Random Pick

Anna and Chris... Originally uploaded by Hensdill.

Tax Returns

President Bush Income: $735,180 Charitable Contributions: $75,560 Taxes Paid: $187,768 VP Dick Cheney Income: $8.82 million (can you say "Haliburton"?) Charitable Contributions: $6.87 million Taxes Paid In: $2,468,566 Refund: $1.9 million Source: Here and here

Oh, Have Times Changed

"Nearly half of Americans believe their government should mind its own business internationally and only one third approves of how US President George W. Bush is handling Iraq, a USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll says." "Bush's rating, which rose from 32 percent in September to 39 percent in the ensuing months, has fallen back to 32 percent in the latest survey, the USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll said." (Story)

Saber Rattling

In my lifetime, I don't think I've ever seen more vocal threats than those coming from Iran these days. From threatening the annihilation of Israel, testing super torpedoes, to staging a made-for-TV-broadcast this week that they are on their way to creating a nuclear weapon. And today comes news they are threatening the U.S. of consequences if we take actions to prevent Iran's nuclear proliferation. Scary stuff.

About As Cultured As I Get

After reading a recommendation on D Magazines's blog, I went to a play last night. "Closer" was being presented in a very small warehouse like theater in Irving (I expected a 300 seat theater, but it ended up being 35 chairs). Despite the humble settings, the play, just like the movie, was great.


It's Good Friday

My office is closed, and I'm being lazy. For some reason that makes me feel guilty.


Simply Too Young

There is a great story today in the DMN of a 17 year old Rowlett kid who signed a baseball contract with the Colorado Rockies that would have given him a $460,000 signing bonus. Last summer he reports to their minor league club in Idaho. After three days (which included a bus trip to Utah and a stop for lunch at Albertson's), he said "screw it" and walked away. He never received a dime of the $460,000. Now he can't play for any college because he technically became a professional when he signed the contract.

Discuss Among Yourselves

From the Dallas Morning News today: My 4-year-old son has two settings: on and off. When he's on, he's nonstop, full of energy, 100 percent devoted to his task, a constant whirl of motion. When he's off, which isn't often, he's either falling asleep, sleeping or waking up. My husband and I love that he's so invested in his life. But to be honest, we're sometimes exhausted. Our lives would be easier if he mellowed out when we wanted him to – at restaurants, during worship services, on plane trips. A surefire way to calm him would be with a teaspoon of Benadryl. We've given him the appropriate dose of the antihistamine to battle allergies probably a dozen times in his life. The pink liquid not only stops his runny nose; it knocks him out and gives his body a chance to rest and recover from what ails him. We've never given Benadryl to him when he doesn't have a runny nose, watery eyes or isn't sneezing. But would there be any harm if we occasionally gave him a dose just to calm him? Full story here.

Teenagers Are Writing For The AP

So I see this headline: "Police: Teen's Kidnapping Story a Hoax". Looks like an interesting AP story so I scan it. As expected, it is about a girl that dissappeared and then lied about where she had been. But this paragraph made me laugh: "Kelsey was missing for about 15 hours before turning up at a stranger's home in her small southeast Kansas town. She said she had clobbered her assailant and was able to escape." Clobbered? [Edit: Yeah, I guess it's possible the girl used the actual term "clobbered" but normally it would be in quotes if that were there case. It's funnier to think thats just the word the reporter used. I choose to believe that.]

The Death Psychic

I just found out how I was going to die: "A deranged homeless man climbs over the dividing wall of a department store dressing room and strangles you to death with a clothes hanger. " Nice. You can find out your own fate: Link.

Channel 8's New Girl

Erin Hawksworth, 25, is the new sports reporter for WFAA. I've discovered that she has a myspace account that the Belo suits would probably not approve of. But me loves me some Erin Hawksworth.


Grocery Shopping Observations

- I always grab the milk at the very back of the rack since I think it is fresher - I use the same logic for chips since I think those at the back are less likely to be crumbled - I think there is some rule about the freshest bread, but I don't know what it is - I hate how liquids are heavy (milk, cokes, juice) - I check out the shopping cart wheels within the first few feet because I'm not going up and down aisles with a wobbly wheel - I am amused by the mom who wants to beat her screaming child but exercises restraint because its a public place - I always use the self check out line because I don't want to interact with another human being - There are always "family sized" containers but no "single guy" containers - How many ways can they trick up corn? - When I see someone with a huge basket of groceries, I'm concerned about whether that person is stressed about how much it will cost (and I look at her face to see if I can get a hint) - I wonder who decides what the thermostat will be set at - Cereal and chips are ridiculously expensive and I always wonder if it's because all of the expense is shipping. - I'm embarrassed to buy toilet paper - When did the option of "paper or plastic" end? (Which contradicts the self check out line comment above) - I walk by sugar cookies and wish they didn't have so much fat in them - And I check the fat grams of every new item I see and inevitably put the item back because of the disappointing high number - I always return my shopping cart to the proper place in the parking lot - I always want to read the National Enquirer while I'm waiting to get checked out - I have never asked the butcher to get a particular kind of meat - When I pick up a vegetable, I really wonder what field it was grown in - I get depressed during grocery shopping

The Ice Harvest

I watched this movie based upon the recommendation of a guy who hangs out at the courthouse and prosecutes people for fun. The Plot: A lawyer and his buddy embezzle a trainload of cash from a mafia type client. Why Is "Ice" in The Title?: Because the entire movie is based upon one night when it is raining as the temperature meets 32 degrees and drops. (That's my best explanation) Actors: A very entertaining John Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton Flashback: It is directed by Harold Ramis (see Stripes and Ghostbusters). [Edit: Ramis' name was corrected from my original stupid typing of "John Ramos"] To Look For: Double crossing and triple double crossing. Nudity: A little Violence: Above average Best scene: A very uncomfortable Christmas Eve Dinner Rating: Yeah, check it out.

Kenny Rogers

The singer has been everywhere lately looking ....well....odd. Here is an explanation (with before and after pictures).

Our System Is Soooo Confusing

From the Star-Telegram: "FORT WORTH -- Death Row inmate Steven Kenneth Staley, convicted for killing the manager of a Steak and Ale nearly 17 years ago, should be physically forced to take anti-psychotic medication -- an order that, in essence, could make Staley competent enough to be executed -- a judge ruled Tuesday." At least he looks crazy.

TxDOT Thought

The stop light at 377 and 114 in Roanoke is not the result of good planning.

Time Waste

Be a guy in a suit who crashes through ice walls. Here.


Kill All The Lawyers

Forget about the McDonald's hot coffee judgment, this is the most amazing verdict I've ever heard of. (And I predict this story becomes national news over the next two days). If Southwest Airlines locked her in a basement for a year, I would understand it. Otherwise, where do I line up to be racially profiled?

Amnesty For Girls That Said "Yes"?

I have never seen or owned a "Girls Gone Wild" video . . . . as I ponder why that is . . . . but the following appeared on a Dallas Morning News blog regarding the hispanic march last Sunday: 12:40 PM. Police intelligence officers see about 10 members of the Girls Gone Wild video crew, presumably looking for subject matter.

Yawn . . . Wait, Maybe Not

You can always tell when it is a slow news day when the local TV news begins with a generic story. Tonight on Fox 4 News it began with a boring "your car can be stolen" story. But Lari B told me that one-third of all car thefts are because of keys left in the car. Who leaves their keys in their car?

(Note: This post just got better. When I searched for a picture to go along with this Blog, I came across a photo for the "ultimate anti-theft device". The pic is here but I warn you that it involves some nudity. Do not click on the link. Although it was pretty funny).


I bet gas will hit $3.00 a gallon in the next five days.

TIme Waste

See just a section of a company logo and try to recognize it.

Bible Thoughts

As I blew past what appears to be a very bad (and not well publicized) mini-series of The Ten Commandments on Channel 8, I recalled a very odd biblical passage about Moses. For some reason, before Moses met with Pharaoh to start the 10 Plagues, God decided to kill Moses while Moses was in a camp. (Yep, kill him.) But Moses' wife cut off the foreskin of their son (don't ask me why) and rubbed the blood on the legs of either Moses or the boy (stay with me here) saying the blood will protect him (say what?). It did. God changed his mind and spared Moses' life. The passage is in Exodus 4:24-26. You can see a multitude of versions of that passage of the Bible here. (Just select a version from the "drop down" list and click "Update"). Don't know why I thought about it.

Paris Hilton . . .

. . . sang "Happy Birthday" to Hugh Hefner in a skimpy outfit. When your wife goes to bed, you can see it here. (Actually, it's not that bad).

"The Bachelor" Is Coming To Dallas

THE SEARCH IS ON FOR ABC’S NEXT BACHELOR! If you are tall, attractive, single, 28-35 years old, and think you can handle twenty-five beautiful girls, contact us NOW! Those who wish to apply or to nominate someone should send photos, contact information and a mini-bio to: Contact:Bonnie Clark Senior Casting Producer (818) 752-5550 bonnie@kasstinginc.com Let's see here . . . . . . (1) no, (2) no, (3) yes, (4) no, (5) no, I draw the line at seven. (Source)

Giddy Up

Lisa Rinna (I'm not sure who she is) was at the 2006 CMT Music Awards in Nashville this week doing ... uh...something.

If You Need New Torture Devices . . .

. . . a list (with pictures) of historic devices is here. Ok, maybe lethal injection isn't as bad as I thought.

TV Ratings

The Masters on Sunday earned a 9.0 overnight rating compared to NASCAR's 4.8. (Not sure how that translates into number of households, but clearly golf pulled in almost twice as many viewers as car racing).


Why Liberals Pull Their Hair Out

Examples like yesterday when the President tried to an answer a question from a college student. The youtube.com evidence is here.

Breaking News

From the Star Telegram FORT WORTH -- Police believe a body found alongside Interstate 35W might be that of a Wise County man who attended the NASCAR races at Texas Motor Speedway over the weekend. The body was found early Monday near the southbound lanes about a mile south of Texas Motor Speedway. Police aren't yet sure whether he died at the scene or was dumped there. Full story. Edit and Update: My extremely high placed sources indicate that his connection to Wise County is tenuous at best. Developing.

Random Immigration Thought

After seeing several cars in the Walmart parking lot at lunch with the words "America Was Built On Immigration" on the back windshield, it occurred to me that you couldn't get 500,000 white people to march for anything. Unless there was legislation to ban cable television and pizza.

Random Driving Observations

Dear people of Decatur: 1. It is legal to take a right turn on red, 2. It is courteous, and legally required, for you to signal your intention to turn, and 3. If you arrive at a four way stop before me, you have the right of way. There is no need to stare at one another and hand gesture to determine who goes first. (Bad lunch time driving experience makes me cranky)

Da Dum...Da Dum <----Jaws Theme

There are a lot of fake shark pics on the Internet (like this one and this one), but this pic I received recently is actually authentic.

Car Wars

A car went into a house in Dallas last night. You see a story like that all the time, but this one created a really amazing hole in the side of the house. Photos here..


Tough Days

Beautiful weather yet on that thing called a television there were the options of (1) a Rangers game, (2) The Masters, and (3) NASCAR at the Texas Motor Speedway. How's a man suppossed to get out and march in the Immigration Reform Protest?

So Odd

Random observation: In a Messenger Letter to the Editor that I read today AND in the "Ask Marilyn" column of the very bad Parade Magazine, I saw the following noun: zygote. I had to look it up.