Poster Fun

Happy 43rd To The Very Wheels Off Brigitte Nielsen
Hot Teacher Update


Close The Borders. NOW!!!

Decatur and Bridgeport Cheerleader Rumble
This was probably from around 2001 or 2002. I can't remember. Enjoy this piece of Wise County love, brotherhood, and history.
(Comments disabled. For some reason, I don't trust you guys on this one.)
Most Powerful People In DFW Sports
Per Richie Whitt of the Dallas Observer (he actually ranks the Top 50). And I quote:
10. Troy Aikman. Hall of Famer still carries considerable weight via TV analysis and NASCAR ownership with Staubach.
9. Laura Miller. Thanks to the lame-duck mayor, the Cowboys are leaving and Texas-OU is staying.
8. Byron Nelson. Nothing helps area children more than Lord Byron's golf tournament.
7. Bill Parcells. His majesty's daily circle jerks with media are broadcast live.
6. Tom Hicks. Owns two teams. But zero clues.
5. Jon Heidtke. Wouldn't recognize him on the street, but the FOX Sports Net Southwest senior vice president makes the decisions about Mavs, Rangers and Stars you recognize nightly on TV.
4. Hank Haney. Is there a better, easier job on this planet than Tiger Woods' swing coach? Next up: Scarlett Johansson's plastic surgeon.
3. Jerry Jones. His every move remains monumental, but Cuban's rants have rendered his sideline sojourns passé.
2. Mark Cuban. Has the mind, money and moxie to create something priceless--hope.
1. Terrell Owens. Generating a deafening buzz before his first catch in Cowboys pads.
Boring Baseball Stat
On My Journey Through Movies I Need To Watch
Time Flies

I think the world has slowed to a crawl today. Not much happening.
Other than my secretary is on vacation. And that makes me depressed and grumpy. (At least more depressed and grumpy compared to every day.)
Ann Curry Wisdom
There is the oddest/smartest billboard between Rhome and (what I still call) "Jeterville".
It is simply the word "Hungerectomy" in a font that is associated with Snickers. The background, not surprisingly, is the brown color associated with a Snicker's wrapper.
There's nothing else to it. But it sure did get my attention.
I'll try and find a pic.
I Didn't . . .
One More Global Instability Thought
Hold Your Breath

I Wonder If Any Wise County Teachers Consider Teaching At Northwest
"When Northwest ISD leaders set their starting teacher salary at $44,159, they touched off a statewide bidding war for new teachers. The district north of Fort Worth set the bar high for the upcoming school year with what may be the state's highest salary for new teachers." (Dallas Morning News story).
I Hate Thinking In The Mornings

A Dot Com For Everything
I heard and read reports that slain real estate agent Sarah Anne Walker was a member of www.millionairematch.com. I didn't know there was such a site.

This Is Just Dumb

Let's Head To Dallas

Baseball Nugget
Bomb Blasts and Name Changes
A bunch of bombs went off in India today killing quite a few.
Oddity: Did you know that Bombay is no longer called Bombay. It's now "Mumbai".
Some media outlets didn't get the memo. Here's a news search for Mumbai and here's one for Bombay.
ESPN's Top Two Goals of the 2006 World Cup
Trust me on this. Yeah, soccer is boring but you have to check out these two goals. If you think catching a ball with your chest and then kicking it before it hits the ground is easy, then think again.
I Had No Idea

(And I have no idea why I like this pic. It's from the movie Collateral - specifically from a "shoot em up" club scene where the song "Ready, Steady, Go" is playing. I like it for a reason I can't explain.)
Vernon Robinson For Congress (From Earlier Post)
I had a post below about the Vernon Robinson campaign ad. This is the youtube.com version of it (which makes it quick loading.)
Water Conservation
Fox 4 . . . . . News
Fox 4 News has been promoting its new web site, www.myfoxdfw.com . Ya know, it's not bad.
Big and Rich

I've Found The Perfect Wise County Candidate
And he is Vernon Robinson (who is running for Congress in North Carolina.)
One of his recent ads:
ANNOUNCER: If you‘re a conservative Republican, watching the news these days can make you feel as though you are in the twilight zone.
Americans are under attack from Islamic extremists in every corner of the world. Homosexuals are mocking holy matrimony, and the lesbians and feminists are attacking everything sacred.
Liberal judges have completely rewritten the Constitution. You can burn the American flag and kill a million babies a year, but can‘t post the 10 Commandments or say “God” in public. Seven out of every 10 black children are born out of wedlock, and Jackson and Sharpton claim the answer is racial quotas.
And the aliens are here, but they didn‘t come in a spaceship. They came across our unguarded Mexican border by the millions.
VERNON ROBINSON: I‘m Vernon Robinson. If you send me to Congress, I‘ll send that back to the twilight zone. I approve of this message and of traditional American values.
See this television ad here (And you have to see the last five seconds).
Doesn't This Normally Get You Thrown In The Hoosegow?
Gary Matthews, Jr. robs a HR from Mike Lamb
This made ESPN's "Best Plays Of The First Half Of The Season" coming in at #2
Putting 2 and 2 Together
From The Update: FATALITY ACCIDENT — A two-vehicle accident Saturday claimed the life of Tony Kempf, 47, formerly of Chico. (more)
From The Messenger Archives: A Chico man arrested for murder has been released from jail. On Monday, Tony Kempf, 46, of Chico was released from the Wise County Jail . . . . (more)
Eyebrow Raisers From Yesterday

Sunday Newspaper Thought
Raging Bull

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