
I Just Hope My House Appreciates A Little

From Tomorrow's/Friday's Star-Telegram
The MTV Music Awards Were Tonight

Those Conservative Judges Are So Good For America

For Some Insane Reason . . .
What A Coincidence . . .
. . . that is exactly what my date wore last night. Unfortunately, it was to Wednesday Night Services.
Harold Taft Was Never This Hot
No audio. Crappy video. But somehow I'm very interested in Mexican weather.
Remember . . .

Legal Tired Head

I Was Inside Dancing to "Footloose"
. . . while outside Tara Reid was denied entrance as some girl named Paris (I think) gets to walk right in. (And I think I see the guy from "Girls Gone Wild" in there.)
From Another DMN Story
County Commissioner Salaries
Ellis County: $72,381
Johnson County: $65,112
Tarrant County: $116,506
Collin County: $96,471
I don't know what Wise County Commissioners make and I'm too lazy to call Katherine Canova, the County Treasurer.
We Are Sooooo Uptight

Bush and Wednesday Morning
Two great clips I pulled off the Today Show this morning when Bush was interviewed in New Orleans yesterday.
The first one (33 seconds) shows how he continues to confuse 9/11 and Iraq (until he is called on it.) And I'll swear he mispeaks by saying, "Did we fight the wrong war? I have no doubt."
And in the second one (28 seconds) he speaks of how he has an "ecelectic" [sic] reading list.
(Both are youtube format).
The Ticket
I'm Sick Of Hurricane Katrina Talk . . .
. . . but I had to go back and check to see what I wrote about it on here a year ago. My Sunday evening post (the day before the storm hit) made me a master of understatement.
For All Of Ye That Thought Ye Were Having A Bad Day
CNN Live Mic Snafu (Credit: PinkDome.Com)
"While President Bush spoke today, the CNN accidentally had anchor Kyra Phillips's mic on, projecting over the Prez. It sounds like she was in the bathroom, but fortunately the mic came on after she did her business. Her sister-in-law, however, just found out that Kyra thinks she's a control freak."
My Obsession With Ann Curry . . .

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