Random Tired Head Thoughts

  • Back in the hotel. Managed to get home in time to watch the end of the Texas - Ohio State game in hotel bar. Good times.
  • In said establishment we're a bunch of 50+ year old Cowboy fans actually wearing Cowboy jerseys. But they seemed well spoken, albeit loudly well spoken, and well groomed. The leader of the bunch had a Bob Lilly jersey on and wouldn't shut up about the virtues of Bob Lilly. I thought about killing him.
  • Walked down to the Jacksonville Station to get some food only to find out that all the food court places were closed. However, a dance club, a popular one, was in full gear so I got to watch a bunch of folks walk towards it dressed to kill. Triple good times.
  • The Riverwalk here on the St. John's is spectacular. But it may be the break up capital of the world. Along the way I saw the following people on a cell phone: (1) One 50 year old guy saying, "I think you should go to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning," and (2) a pretty hip black guy saying, "Baby, people just grow apart."
  • I thought there was an excellent chance that the Cowboys would be staying here. It's close to the stadium and pretty nice. So far, I haven't seen Bill Parcells' belly in the elevator.


It's aleady 20-0 and it's gonna get worse. But this place ia all they said it would be. Except for the part where the drunk gal demanded to share a seat with me. She looked 30 but that is a HARD 30.

Uh oh

This lady's large heart might blow. She is really sweating.

Random thoughts as I wait for the game to begin

- I'm rather high up - you couldn't find a ticket from.a scalper (I got mine earlier through stubhub.com) - I should have invested in short denim skirts because every girl.has one on - I've got 'hollaback girl' blaring in my ear - this part of florida is beautiful - on the way here I saw a 'Men Of God Car Sales' business - And don't think I'm not po'd about UT and Ohio State playing while I'm here - typing on a phone is hard (even with a little keypad)

Uh Oh

Do dark clouds and lightening mean rain? Not-a-good.

[Edit: Amazingly, the storm just passed by without a drop. I'm finding out this is very typical of the weather around here.]

The chances ...

... Of underage drinking is significant. This place is a pre-game Scene.


They actually have swamps on campus.

Made it!

Very nice campus. Tons of tailgating going on. Hot. Maybe some hot girls - hadn't noticed.

Where's a man get a chicken sandwich in this place?

I'm Off

(Above pics with a better camera.) Well, I'm off to Gainesville, FL which is suppossed to be about an hour and half down the road. I hate what is coming next the most: Finding the stadium and parking in a foreign land. But I'll get there with a few hours to spare so I can roam around the campus and area. The game, which will probably be a blow out, features the Florida Gators and the Univ. of Central Florida.

Steve Holy

Some guy named Steve Holy was the opening act at Jacksonville Landing last night. Typical "new" country and western. But it was funny when he opened the show with, "I'm from Texas but by looking around I can tell you that all the best looking women are from Florida!" Of course, it was just "play to the crowd" schitck but the crowd loved it. You girls back home, remember that.


One More

There is some outdoor country concert tonight and, from the looks of it, the redneck factor should be raised to 'elevated'.

Not Bad At All

This place.is vibrant and beautiful, even though there is a boat to my left displaying a very large Confederate flag. Where am I again?

Greetings From Jacksonville

Weather: About 80 degrees with 110% humidity Traffic: A breeze, even in rush hour. This place seems pretty laid back. Friendly?: So far, very. What must be close by: Savannah (lots of signs) Off to: Some place called Jacksonville Landing

Land. Sweet land.


At the time of this post, the plane still hasn't pulled away from the gate. Departure time was to be at 1:10 . Uh, that's not working out to well. The captain said we were waiting on some 'routine maintenance paperwork.'

I hope somebody initials a form very soon. I've already got Tired Butt.

Weve got . . .

. . . A very tall, bald, and black man as our flight attendant. And there is no sign of gayness.

And the seat next to me is still empty with take off in seven minutes. Triple good times.

I'm on a plane ....

... But I don't see any snakes.

Nor have I seen anyone famous. The flight is said to be full but so far the seat next to me is empty. I suspect it will be occupied by a 300 pound man any moment.

Cell phone blog?

I'm not sure this will work but my computer battery crapped out. And thses two people are hogging the only outlet in this place.

I found a turkey sandwich and a guy who got all pissy about the clerk putting too much ice in his drink. Good times.

From A Terminal At DFW

  • WiFi access is nerdy, but cool.
  • Security is a breeze (seems better than ever)
  • I still feel stupid taking off my shoes and belt and walking a few feet
  • What's a man gotta do to find a chicken sandwich in this place?
  • People in the next gate over are going to LaGuardia in New York. Sounds cool.
  • There's a 50 year old lady that looks 60 sleeping in a "massage recliner" in front of me. She's supposed to put in $5.00 but I think she just commandeered it free of charge.
  • I was able to access my desktop computer in my office via gotomypc.com (I subscribe). That's very cool. But I'm locked out of my database and my (normally wonderful) secretary won't answer my email.

Football Weekend Trip

Those that know me understand that every so often I run off for the weekend for a "football trip". This is one of those weekends. I leave this afternoon to catch a University of Florida football game in the "The Swamp" (pictured) on Saturday and then the Jacksonville-Dallas game on Sunday. I'm taking technology and cameras with me so I'll try to keep you updated along the way. (Even with an experimental cell phone blog.) My very first trip was documented here. And some will remember my post game auto accident in Tennessee from last year. And....I'm flying back on Monday, 9/11. I won't let the terrorists win.


Maybe A First For Me

I pride myself on not being easily offended, but the current AT&T/Yahoo commercial bothers me. The word "offended" is probably too strong. Perhaps "uncomfortable" is more appropriate. The set-up: A couple in bed receives a middle of the night phone call. The husband answers as his wife looks over his shoulder. The guy expresses incredible concern, and says something along the lines of "are you sure?" and "is it him?" The punch line: He then he gets up to confirm that an NFL player on his fantasy football team is injured. I uploaded the commercial at youtube here. [Link will come online momentarily.] Yeah, it serves it purpose by getting people (or me, at least) to talk about it.

Cockroach v. Weatherman

I've finally found a guy I'm sure I could beat up.

Momma Says Knock You Out

You've probably seen the video of the reporter getting a can of whoop arse being put on him. Youtube.com has it now. Becky Oliver, beware.

Back To Life

I've had a couple of people send me this pic. I don't know if it's real. I was in Jacksboro all morning begging the AG's office not to throw my court-appointed-father-very-late-on-child-support client in the hoosegow. I was successful, for now. It sure didn't feel like a Law and Order episode.


If I See One More Pic Of %$*&^ Suri . . .

. . . I will be on tomorrow's morning news as the fourth guy in two weeks that has lost his mind and barricaded himself inside his home. Where's my dress blues?

Horse Slaughtering

ABC's Nightline had a story on how some U.S. companies slaughter horses to be sold overseas. (Former Rep. Charles Stenholm is in favor of the process.) Which gives rise to this question: Why do Americans detest the thought of horse meat but embrace cow meat?

It's Finally Cool Enough To Jog Outside

And I've been doing it alot lately. My MP3 player had this ecelectic, er, eclectic playlist in it as I ran though the neighborhoods tonight. At this moment, I'm so glad I disabled all comments.

Fox 4 News Story On Wise County Child Abduction

The youtube.com clip of the story is here. (The picture is not the alleged defendant. It's our sheriff who appears in the story. Don't confuse the two.)

Jail Population As Of 8/1/06

Even when you click it, it is hard to read. But, the best I can tell, we have 55 people awaiting felony trials (both regular felonies and "state jail" felonies) and 28 people awaiting misdemeanor trials. (I can't tell how many of those are probation violation allegations.) It looks like 20 people are serving a county jail sentence (post trial or plea) and 13 people are awaiting to be shipped to the state prison system (post trial or plea). Total local inmate population is 133 with an additional 35 being held for other counties on a contract basis. But with the new jail, that only brings up to 51% capacity. My math could be wrong. (And some of the above figures just don't sound right to me.) The pdf file for the above graphic is here. (Oh, yeah, I bet the vast majority of them are drug users - there has to be a better way.)

Rick Perry's First Post-Labor Day Ad

Stuff I learned: Our borders are secure, we use really cool airplanes to secure our borders (and I got the feeling that thing was capable of bombing some poor group of Mexicans at the push of a button) and we pay for really cool "I'm a country kinda guy" jackets for our governor.

Most Bizarre Story In The History Of Ever

The Grunke brothers are very disturbed. (You probably don't want to click on it.)

True Crime

The Star Telegram does a followup to the Update blurb about a Wise County teen being sexually assaulted. But there's not a whole lot of additional information.

Tryin' To Catch Me Ridin' Dirty

I have no idea about the facts of this case (which certainly makes me qualified to comment on it), but it doesn't mean jack that someone accused of possessing marijuana did not test positive for using marijuana. Although it's silly to get suspended over a marijuana charge.

Now That's A Much Nicer Name

Very little information here.

What The .. . ?

She used to hang out with a kid that saw dead people.

I Wonder If She Does the "Cabbage Patch"?

I had the craziest dream that former Rep. Tom DeLay wrote a letter to his supporters asking for them to support a contestant on Dancing With The Stars because she "represents good American values in the media." Then I woke up and found out it was true.

Channel 8 On Drugs

A very weird video of Brad Watson of Channel 8 explaining the governor's race by playing with dolls.

Not Guilty

A Wise County jury just found Charles Lawrence Vanwhy "not guilty" of aggravated sexual assault of a child after a two day trial. Stephen Wren and Jennifer Wren were the defense team.