No Big Deal

I've Been Pillaged
Sports Stop Down

History and Presidents
I Refuse To . . .
I'm So Confused

And Speaking of Jacksboro . . .
That's Highway 380?
Off To Jacksboro
Could There Be More Crap On That Home Page?

Where Will I Spend It All?
Child Found Lost In Wise County

I Suddenly . . .
One More Halloween Pic
Say What?

The district attorney also approved a hearing to bring in Charles Linch, a forensic analyst who served as a witness for the State in Blair's [previous] trial, for a meeting with defense attorneys. Linch, who now lives in Virginia, had been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital several months before his testimony at the 1994 trial, and defense attorneys say his mental condition tainted his testimony, which ultimately helped convict Blair.
Say what? The State used a witness that had been committed to the nut house? That's a new one for me.
Then there was this:
Even if Blair were granted a new trial and cleared, he would never be freed from prison because he is serving three consecutive life sentences for sex crimes involving children.
He's never getting out - why waste our time - although I suppose history deserves to know whether he is the killer or not.
Drew, We Hardly Knew You
Been A Rough Couple Of Weeks . . .

For The One Hockey Fan Out There . . .

Slow Posting Day
The Big Story Of The Morning

That Didn't Take Long
The Gift Of Higher Education
Landmark Study?
"My stuffed toy will stop this celebration!"
I'm Glad Those Rick Perry Ads . . .
I Hate Basketball

Now There Are Only 99 Conservative Talk Show Hosts On The Air In DFW

Hey, Now

The Politics of Dancing . . . Or Quotes

Meaningless Trivia

Reposted From Last Year Because I Laugh Every Year When I Think About It
Halloween Night
I'm Too Mature For That
One Riot, One Ranger

Dixie Chicks: Shut Up And Sing
Before We All Start . . .

Saturday Night Live

As The Mid-Term Elections Near
Hard Line