
No Big Deal

But it looks like the Rhome Fire Department was out "collecting" money on late Friday afternoon. Although the cone and the fire truck sure did lend an air of authority to the money request.

I've Been Pillaged

And did they have to start the game at 11:00 a.m.? I hate getting out my dress blues and crawling into the fetal position before dark. On good days, I can hold off the depression until 8:30 p.m. For today, I hate the Texas Technologists.

Sports Stop Down

So I'm watching the LSU/Tennessee game today and I see that a player is hurt. They show me his picture. Then they show me a graphic to point out that said player holds the record for being the largest baby ever born in Louisiana: 15 lbs. 14 oz. (He moved to Texas later.) For all you women out there: Oh, my.


History and Presidents

Kinda interesting: Somebody went through each major speech of every President and noted the buzzwords that were used. Then he/she created a graphic showing those words for each speech with the size of the buzzwords correlating to how often or how little those words were used within the speech. Pretty cool. See it here. There is a slide at the top which will let you scroll for every president.

I Refuse To . . .

. . . post this picture of Bush and the guy that was involved in the story posted immediately below.

People Are Crazy

A couple of stories from the headlines.

I'm So Confused

The State of Texas wants your email address before it will let you view eight survelliance cameras which, presumably, will capture images of immigrants scampering across the border.

And Speaking of Jacksboro . . .

. . . I love this sign. (As a boy, I was at Tiger Stadium in 1971 for the bi-district game against Bridgeport.)

That's Highway 380?

These were taken between Runaway Bay and Jacksboro this morning, and it's kind of a weird phenomenon. The only place between the two where the trees are gorgeous is at the hill which causes the steep incline as you head west. It may be just a quarter of a mile of beauty, and then it stops.

Off To Jacksboro

I went there the other day and noticed the trees were changing colors in a beautiful way. I'll try and take some pics as I drive down the highway and post them later. It's called multi-tasking.

Could There Be More Crap On That Home Page?

It looks like the web site of the Dallas Morning news has been redesigned. It's still as wheels off as ever.


Where Will I Spend It All?

I finally found out my final property tax bill yesterday. The results: My school property tax was reduced by 6.29%. Trust me, that isn't the $2,000 savings his campaign ads tell me.

Child Found Lost In Wise County

Fox 4 News had a story tonight on a child found today on a rural road in Wise County. Notes: - Our Sheriff makes another appearance (who is his press agent? - he/she is a genius) - It is a crying shame anyone has to live in the conditions shown - The guy that found her said, "I'm just glad I came along" - You know, I was going to give him a little grief about that but, after a few seconds thought, I agree. The news story on youtube is here.

I Suddenly . . .

. . . am hungry for pancakes and waffles. (Although that youtube.com clip might make you insane - I'm not sure.)

One More Halloween Pic

And I post this simply as a public service: You could trip if you don't watch where you are walking. Girls, be careful out there.

Say What?

There are stories today about a hearing in Collin County regarding the attempt to free Michael Blair (based upon DNA evidence) who was convicted in the 1993 killing of a 7-year-old Plano girl. Two paragraphs jumped out at me in the Channel 8 story.

The district attorney also approved a hearing to bring in Charles Linch, a forensic analyst who served as a witness for the State in Blair's [previous] trial, for a meeting with defense attorneys. Linch, who now lives in Virginia, had been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital several months before his testimony at the 1994 trial, and defense attorneys say his mental condition tainted his testimony, which ultimately helped convict Blair.

Say what? The State used a witness that had been committed to the nut house? That's a new one for me.

Then there was this:

Even if Blair were granted a new trial and cleared, he would never be freed from prison because he is serving three consecutive life sentences for sex crimes involving children.

He's never getting out - why waste our time - although I suppose history deserves to know whether he is the killer or not.

Drew, We Hardly Knew You

The Cowboy's official online pro shop sells Drew Bledsoe jerseys This didn't take long. (And scroll down before you give up looking.)

Been A Rough Couple Of Weeks . . .

. . . for Republican congressmen. Story. (Hint: It's never a good sign when the headline reads:"Rep. Paying Ex-Mistress About $500K")

I Ordered This Print A Month Ago

And now it is hanging on my office wall. So far I've got lots of confused looks.

For The One Hockey Fan Out There . . .

. . . every NHL game this year is immediately made into a Google video that you can watch for free.

Slow Posting Day

Instead enjoy the cat fight. (And the Republicans need a better spokesperson on The View.) I'm glad I don't have to live with any of these women.

The Big Story Of The Morning

You know, nothing surprises me anymore. I struggle between these two important and fundamental beliefs: "society is generally good" or "society is generally bad." I don't know. (Full corruption story here.)


That Didn't Take Long

I was watching an invention called the television tonight when this ad appeared. And although all "royalties" will be donated to charity, I seriously doubt that all "profits" will have the same destination.

The Gift Of Higher Education

Youtube.com clip here. I found this on a Longhorn blog. It was posted in October of this year with the caption of "Tensions run high at the Texas/OU watch party. " Warning: There is more cursing in it than in an episode of the Sopranos. Although some viewers might find the girl screaming "stop it!!!" to be perhaps less offensive but more annoying.

One Final Halloween Pic

Lindsay Lohan dressed for the holiday last night. At least I think that's a costume.

Landmark Study?

Red wine keeps fat mice alive longer. If this was stuck in the back of a science journal, then so be it. But the Dallas Morning News had it on its home page this afternoon.

"My stuffed toy will stop this celebration!"

I've given up trying to upload the photo. Here's the link.

I'm Glad Those Rick Perry Ads . . .

. . . make it so simple for me. He calls Bell a Liberal. Liberal is a bad word. So I should vote for Perry. Hmmmmm. That's so easy. I didn't even have to think.

I Hate Basketball

Wasn't it only last week when the Mavs choked and now the NBA season is starting up? The season is too freakin' long!!! But you had to giggle when the Miami Heat opened their season last night by hoisting their World Champion Banner to the rafters and then going out and getting drilled by 42 points. Good times.

Now There Are Only 99 Conservative Talk Show Hosts On The Air In DFW

Not that you listened (I'm not sure anyone listened) but KLIF's conservative fire breathing dragon Daryl Ankarlo is packing it up and moving to Phoenix. That guy was a nut case.

I Don't Know

Edit: Explained here.


Hey, Now

Matt Lauer of the Today Show made a famous appearance a few years back as J-Lo on Halloween. Today he didn't do much but Ann Curry tried to be Cher and fill-in Natalie Morales (who really jazzes me) came as Madonna. And the "Hey, Now" is in no way directed towards Ann Curry.

The Politics of Dancing . . . Or Quotes

John Kerry, the former almost president, found himself in hot water today for saying the following when speaking of college students: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." There's no way he can talk his way out of that. He called the troops dumb - no way around it - and that's a battle that can't be won in the court of public opinion. But Bush didn't help his cause by responding with "the members of the United States military are plenty smart." (youtube.com clip here.)

Meaningless Trivia

For those of you that watch Lost, you might be interested to know that the guy that plays Sawyer appeared in Aerosmith's 1993 video Cryin' where he steals Alicia Silverstone's purse. (He shows up at the 3:30 mark if you have a youtube.com interest.)

Reposted From Last Year Because I Laugh Every Year When I Think About It

My good friend Kevin Clark tells the story of his first year of handing out candy in his Fort Worth neighborhood on Halloween. As the night wore down, a few stragglers were still knocking on doors. Kevin had run out of treats late in the evening but that, of course, didn't stop his doorbell from ringing one more time. As he looked around his house for something to to give in lieu of candy, he saw a "change dish" with a variety of loose coins that had accumulated over time. As Kevin tells it, he grabbed a handful of coins, opened the door, dropped the coins in the kid's basket and told him "Happy Halloween". To Kevin's horror the kid turned, ran to the edge of the front porch, and screamed for all potential trick or treaters to hear: "He's giving away mooooooooooney!!!!!"

Halloween Night

The night I shut off all my lights and hide in a back room. Good times. (Random pic. Uh, no, they aren't back there with me.)

I'm Too Mature For That

Someone just sent me a picture of an elderly woman wearing a witch hat and nothing more. I refused to laugh. Keep 'em coming.

They Are Pretty Good

If my math is correct, since 2002 the Eagles are 45-3 in regular season games.

One Riot, One Ranger

One Sorority . . . well, that's a different story. The Baptists have gone crazy!

Dixie Chicks: Shut Up And Sing

This trailer to the documentary has been around a couple of weeks and I finally watched. Ya know, it looks really good. And the rants from the Anti-Chicks crowd are pretty funny. I love the guy at the end, "Freedom of speech is fine, but by god you don't do it in mass publicly."


Ms. New/Old/Not Sure Booty

That's 62 year old Dianna Ross.

Before We All Start . . .

. . . well, I can't complete that Pulp Fiction line. But, before we get too excited about Tony Romo, it's interesting to note that a guy named Gary Hogeboom threw for 343 yards in his first start with a win over the Los Angeles Rams on September 3, 1984. I really don't think this is going to work out.

Saturday Night Live

. . . created a comedy bit about proposed upcoming ads by the Republican National Committee. Youtube.com has it here. Funny and shocking.

WFAA Tension

If you want to hear Dale Hansen get a little pissy with John McCaa, check this out.

As The Mid-Term Elections Near

Remember that there have now been 103 American service men and women killed in October in Iraq and Afghanistan. (With 99 of those being in Iraq.)

That Second Sentence

. . . should never have to be written about any family in America.

Hard Line

This weekend I had a pamphlet left on my front door from the Jehovah Witnesses entitled "The End Of False Religion Is Near." I love reading stuff like that. And, man, I thought the Baptists were hard line. The Jehovah Witnesses make them look like a drunk Frilley's karaoke crowd on a good Saturday night.