
Random Weather Thought
"That's Where I Draw The Line"
I Was Able To . . .
UCLA . . .

Getting Ratings By Being Holier Than Thou
Dr. Phil Kicks "Bumfight" Producer Off The Show |
Elf Yourself?

Father Pansa Pansza?

A Pee Wee Size Mike Singletary
Look out!
I didn't get a picture of it, but I'm pretty sure I saw a camera set up along the highway to catch speeders in Rhome a second ago.
Barney Got Me A Thinkin'
Baby Beyonce

Merry Christmas From The Bushes
A Sweet Christmas Story

Todd Dodge To North Texas

As I Ponder About How E-Coli Can't Touch Me . . .
I Scream, You Scream

Matt Damon Impersonates Matthew McConaughey
You Might Be A Redneck . . .
Teach Your Children Well
Let's Keep Those Dirty Illegals Out Of Our Country!!
2 The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
3 What Cabinet-level agency advises the President on foreign policy?
4 Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court now?
5 What does it mean that the U.S. Constitution is a constitution of limited powers?
6 What is the current minimum wage in the U.S.?
7 What are "inalienable rights"?
8 Name one of the writers of the Federalist Papers.
9 What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?
10 What is the tallest mountain in the United States?
Ok, You Hardliners . . .
My Final Marathon Post

Let Me Bore You A Little More

Paris Hilton And Her Sister

Seen a moment ago in Fort Worth: a poor lady beside a bench sign that advertised 'Upscale Resale' clothing.
Covenant Marriage?

From the Star-Telegram:
Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, hopes to stem the divorce rate with a bill that would make covenant marriage an option for Texans, as it already is in three other states . . . .
Zedler's bill would allow couples to choose a covenant marriage, which is harder to dissolve than a traditional marriage.Couples who agreed to a covenant marriage would have to undergo premarital counseling and get marriage counseling before filing for a divorce.
Unlike traditional marriages, which can be dissolved in Texas without either party admitting fault, a covenant marriage could be terminated only on grounds such as adultery, abuse or a spouse being convicted of a felony. Absent that, a couple in a covenant marriage could be granted a divorce if they lived separately for at least three years.
Anybody want to sign up?12.10.2006
At The Start . . .
I'm In Pain