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I Feel It In My Fingers, I Feel It In My Toes

A Little Sappy, But Not Bad
Today upon a bus I saw a lovely girl with golden hair She seemed so gay I envied her and wished that I were half as fair Then she rose and hobbled down the aisle She had one leg, but worse a crutch, yet as she passed, a smile Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I have two legs – the world is mine.
Later on I bought some sweets, the boy who sold them had such charm I thought that I would stop awhile, if I were late 'twould do no harm As we talked, he said, 'Thank you, sir, you've been most kind I like to talk with folks like you, for, as you see, I'm blind' Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I have two eyes – the world is mine.
Then, as I was walking down the street I saw a strapping boy with eyes so blue, But he just stood and watched the other children play, it seemed he knew not what to do After awhile I said, 'Why don't you play with the other children, dear?' But he just stared straight ahead, and then I knew he couldn't hear Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I have two ears – the world is mine.
Two eyes to see the sunset glow, Two legs to take me where I wish to go Two ears to tell me all I need to know ... Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I'm blessed indeed – the world is mine.