
New (Jack City) Dallas Justice

This will rile up your average Wise County citizen:

Credit Card Company issues a credit card to what some of you would refer to as a Mexican [hereinafer referred to as "The Mexican"]. The Mexican runs up a bill and doesn't pay the Credit Card Company. The Credit Card Company sues. Lawyer for Credit Card Company sends The Mexican something called Requests for Admissions which asks him to admit or deny that he owes the money. The Mexican ignores it. The law says that Requests for Admissions that are ignored are "deemed admitted" which means The Mexican just admitted he owed the bill. Lawyer for Credit Card Company files a Motion for Summary Judgment which says, in essense, "Since The Mexican has admitted he owes us the money, there's no need for a trial, and we want a judgment for the money The Mexican owes us."

Pretty simple, huh?

Uh, oh. On January 1st a new judge who happens to be African American and female and a Democrat took over the court. (As did every other Democrat in Dallas County judicial races.)

So how does The Mexican win the Motion for Summary Judgment? Let's just say it has something to do with English. Oh, my.