The Messenger And A Tough Situation
Being a fan of politics, the media, and all things that cock and eyebrow, I was very interested in learning how the Messenger would handle the resignation of Decatur baseball coach Glen Harrison. (Heck, I've had a tough time in handling the comments here.) It's about a touchy of a subject that has come along, and I'd liked to have watched the powers at the Messenger discuss "how in the heck are we supposed to handle this issue?"
I'll just let you know that the Messenger will deal with the issue in its Saturday/Sunday edition but will place the story it in the Sports section on page 3B. However, to its credit, it will go pretty far in revealing the allegations citing "sources". It kind of looks like a compromise: We'll cover the story but we'll put it pretty far back in the paper. Overall, I'd probably do the same.
And there is even a quote from Harrison. Seems like a good guy. Quite frankly, I feel sorry for him.
I could just reprint it here, but I think that would be a crappy thing to do to the Messenger since, if you are interested, you'd probably spend 75 cents to read a copyrighted story. Once the story appears online, I'll link to it.
[And no comments on this one - I get Tired Head filtering them.]
Edit: I soooo screwed up Harrison's name in original post. Thanks to a commenter for pointing that out.