
Random Thoughts

- I had to go to Denton this morning. I don't think I've done that in a very long while.
- About a 1/4 mile from the old courthouse I saw about 40 guys that appeared to be Hispanic standing around waiting anxiously. There was no question that it was a spot for employers to drive by to get day labor. But it was kind of sad seeing so many people that wanted to work but didn't have a job
- At the driver's license hearing, I saw a lawyer who absolutely no idea what he was doing. (For you criminal lawyers out there, he asked openly what "HGN" stood for.) He even had his client there to testify which is an absolute no-no at the hearing. Felt sorry for the kid/client.
- On the way back an 18 wheeler drifted into my lane by about two feet before he looked up and jerked it back. I have robbed death yet again.
- Speaking of . . . Dan Fogelberg has died. I liked Dan Fogelberg
- The Today Show's Ann Curry was going to bungee jump this morning. I promise I did not have negative thoughts.
- Brian Westbrook downing the ball on the one yard line yesterday was the smartest and most anti-ego move in the history of ever in the NFL