
Two Terms Is Enough

According to the Update, Jana Jones has announced that she won't seek a third term as DA. I don't know her reasons, but I can affirm that two terms will beat you down.

(Yeah, yeah, I turned the comments off.)

Edit: Most people know that County Attorney Greg Lowery intends to run for DA. He can't announce it because of some crazy law that won't let him do it until after the first of the year. I haven't heard any rumors of anyone else wanting to run for DA, but Jana's decision might cause someone to throw their hat in just for the heck of it. The County Attorney position has three candidates right now: Thomas Aaberg, James Stainton, and Marilyn Belew.

Edit: Ok, I'm turning the comments on. But no public official bashing or potential prosecutor winner bashing. I have to work with these guys.