Random Vegas thoughts, as postings might be a little slim today:
- The plane ride, on US Airways, was freakin' scary. I'm not saying I'm a world traveler, but the guy next to me was, and he proclaimed it the most turbulence he had ever gone through. (Bouncing around, losing altitude) But the pilot didn't even come on the intercom to assure us we weren't going to die.
- This place is incredible - I come here maybe once every five years and every time they are building more and more crap.
- And this place is expensive
- Certainly more and more of mixed culture - lots of Asian influence
- I got here to late to bet on the NCAA Tourney, but I'll try it today
- I always lose at gambling so I never gamble that much. I sit down at a video poker machine, and the beating immediately begins. Not much incentive to poor a ton a cash into those things
- Going to two shows today, Phantom of the Opera and The Blue Man Group. My buddy Clark told me that Phantom will whip my arse. I told him that I had read, "it's really short - like an hour and 20 minutes." He replied, "It seemed like seven or eight hours." Funny guy.