
Rhome Nazi Cam - Today

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Letter Guidelines

I'm not sure what is going on over in Jacksboro regarding its upcoming municipal elections but check out this Letter to the Editor policy of the local paper over there: • An endorsement of a candidate for public office will publish only as a paid advertisement and must contain a disclosure statement as provided by the Texas Election Code. • “Neutral” commentary regarding a candidate or a group of candidates will be considered for publication only as a paid advertisement and must contain a disclosure statement as provided by the Texas Election Code. • No commentary opposing a candidate or a group of candidates is acceptable for publication. See it here (along with some ironic "Freedom of Speech" preaching.) What letter regarding the elections could possibly be printed without forking over some $$$$?

Sea Of Love

Continuing on my kick to go back and see all the movies that I should, I finally saw 1989's "Sea Of Love."

Top notch. A pretty good thriller starring Al Pacino and a smokin' hot Ellen Barkin (who I have never been a fan of.)

Odd Thought: So what if you live in crime invested New York? Every character always opened the door without a chain lock and without looking through the peep hole.

Oddest Credit: I always watch the ending credits in old movies just in case there is a current star buried within the cast. This one had a true gem. Deep into the rolling credits came this:
"Black Man ........................................Samuel L. Jackson."
Man, if he was in there, I never saw him.

Couple of What?

I did something a tad unusual last night: I went and saw a play in downtown Bridgeport. Being the cynic that I am, I was kind of expecting a live version of a Hee Haw skit but was pleasantly surprised. It was at times edgy, at times mildly shocking, and at times touching. Yeah, it can be a little rough around the edges but that's what gives it its charm. The crowd was relatively small and on the older side. That gave rise to some uncomfortable silence at times. Check it out.

I Love Chicks With Glasses

It's 8:48 on Saturday morning and I have no idea why I posted this. I hope I make it through the day because my brain is already malfunctioning.

And I would go to the Main Street Arts festival in downtown Fort Worth, but I really don't have any desire to be in a wind tunnel today.


In North Dallas Tonight

That method is not on my list.

He Felt That Incareration Had Nothing Further To Offer Him

Those two people involved in the high speed chase last weekend across the Southwest Proper (uh, Wise and Jack Counties)? This is their status: The driver, 26-year-old Derek Auvenshine of Weatherford, surrendered to authorities at about 1 a.m. and was transported to Faith Community Hospital by ambulance, complaining of back injuries, Johnson said. The trooper explained that Auvenshine was treated at the local hospital and later transported to Harris Methodist Hospital. The suspect was treated and released from the Fort Worth hospital without the knowledge of the proper authorities, Johnson said. “We’re not too happy about that,” he added. Johnson said the search in the Jack County woods was called off about 4:30 a.m. without locating the passenger, Mindy Rowlett, 24, also of Weatherford. Warrants have been issued for both their arrests. Source.

My Nominee For Father Of The Year

I tried to avoid this, but I can't. The news media is all over Alex Baldwin for leaving a not so sweet message for his 12 year old daugher. (And I don't think "pig" is an official nickname for her.) Edit: I've rejected several comments, not because I find them offensive, but because they contain assertions of fact that I don't know are true. (Hint: if you'll leave off the "unmarried and pregnant" references, it'll probably get through.)

"I Ordered A Freakin' Triple Cheese Beltbuster!!!"

There's nothing like a news story that leaves you with more questions than answers.

If My Job Started at 5:00 am, I'd Walk Away, Too

The Hood County Sheriff''s Office had an inmate on "Trustee" status walk away from the Law Enforcement Center located at 400 N. Gordon this morning. He was last seen in the rear of the building at approximately 5:00am beginning his morning duties. He was last seen wearing a Dark Grey or Blue hooded sweatshirt with "Lions" on the front and maroon pants. He was being held on Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle charges. Anyone seeing this subject needs to contact the Hood County Telecommunications Center at 817-579-3309.

Edit: In light of some of the comments, "Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle" is the legal term for "joyriding." Even if a person doesn't intend to steal a vehicle, he can still commit the crime if he used the vehicle without the permission of the owner. (Practically, you see the charge when someone is stopped by the cops while driving a stolen vehicle. You might not be able to technically prove they stole the car, but you can prove they used it without the real owner's permission.)

I'm A Business Idiot . . .

. . . but this does not sound good.

But driving into Fort Worth it still looks like every pasture is turning into a subdivision.


Now For Something Completely Different

This happened yesterday. The first three seconds of the video are very important. Note to self: Do not date a girl that will throw beer on a fan of the home team - and, man, that girl is a troublemaker. (And her boyfriend had no desire to fight). I love the part where the videographer turns around to film his buddies. Warning: Language

Even I Can Be Sappy

I saw this tonight during the Rangers game and had to post it. I just wish it was Father's Day.

“Crunkest Gym in America”

Welcome to North Carolina A&T - They throw down a pretty funny bit when someone fouls out. The camera movement will drive you insane but stick with it at least to the beginning of the second half of the clip. There's some gold there.

Things I Listen To

I'm a fan of podcasts (which are nothing more than pre-recorded programs that you can download over the Internet - for free - and dump into your MP3 player or burn onto a CD). I listen them to and from work all the time.

Some of my favorites:
- This American Life (from PBS)
- Buzz Out Loud (a tech show which can be a little annoying)
- TWIT (a great tech show hosted by Leo Laporte)
- Net@Nite (another tech show hosted by Laporte)
- and one I just stumbled upon over the last couple of days: Well Told Tales - I've listened to two of the 15 minute horror short stories and they are freakishly great.

Always A Bad Sign . . .

. . . when you've got time to take out your camera since your not moving - especially if you are in the lane that feeds onto the highway on the right. (Today in Fort Worth.)

I'm No Hero

We had a bit of false alarm this morning in the law office. Quick summary: I walked down the hallway with my coffee only to have my law partner point to the back door and whisper "get out." I gave him the "what's going on?" look only to have him quickly reply in a concerned and quiet voice, "just go!" Man, I went. So I walk out the back door and around the corner only to find the rest of the office staff already there. Like I said, it was a false alarm. Maybe we're all understandably on edge this week. But I was struck with how quickly my heart began beating after I had been told to leave when I had no idea what was going on. But I quickly thought about those who have been criticizing those at Virginia Tech for not trying to stop the gunman during his killing spree. I experienced 1% of their fear, and I had no thought other than self-preservation.

Oh, My

This was discussed here yesterday. I thought the punishment phase would be "interesting." It was but in a way I didn't expect. The jury sentenced the guy to 10 years on each count but Judge Elizabeth Berry decided to stack one of the 10 year sentences on top of the others creating a 20 years sentence. (Story.)

The "stacking" issue has always disturbed me. The judge has absolute discretion to stack the sentences in this situation, but the jury is never told this. I would think that if they wanted to give him 20 they would have said 20.

Edit: On the parole issue, the jury was instructed that a defendant charged with this sort of crime is not eligible for parole until 1/2 of his sentence is served. Then they are instructed that they are not to consider that law when assessing punishment against this particular defendant. And it is one screwed up law.

I Had Someone . . .

. . . who was close to the situation call me and tell me this happened in Bowie on Tuesday. Note to self: Don't make reference to Virginia Tech to third person when I'm angry.

(It's not exactly Wise County related, but Bowie is close enought.)

NBC Is Back Tracking

Boy, The Today Show on NBC spent the first two minutes (or more) this morning explaining why the network decided to release the video and photos of the Virginia Tech killer. I bet they are catching extreme heat over their choice to run with the story. "We will severely limit the amount of video you will see," Matt Lauer said. Really?



The Blog server isn't accepting photos. Kinda ruins my mojo.

I'm Confused

Yesterday I posted a pic of Jessica Simpson looking smokin' hot.

Today, not so much.

A Couple Of Last Virginia Tech Thoughts

Considering (1) the number of nuts out there that you and I personally know and the thousands that we don't, and (2) the amount of press this guy has received, don't you fear that the chance of copycat killings is greater than ever? And I don't know whether to consider the guy evil or mentally defective. I suppose the line gets very, very blurry.

Your Texas Rangers . . .

. . . were just the victim of a no-hitter in Chicago. First time since 1984. Without the Sammy Sosa walk, it would have been a perfect game.

I Heard About This Right Before I Left Work

. . . and then heard the audio from the video on the way home. Amazing.

The killer from the Virginia Tech Massacre sent NBC a package of videos, photos, and writings. moments before he went on his rampage. All if it can be seen at MSNBC. (Although I can't get the videos to work - but most of them are on the news channels.)

Edit: Portions of video here. But, heck, all you have to do is turn on the TV and you'll see it.

Edit #2: I'm not trying to be funny, but in the most played video clip the guy sounds like Napoleon Dynamite.

Kids Are So Cute. Oh, Wait.

This is a clip of ESPN2 from a few years ago. You'd think this kid would have grown up to be the next Jeffrey Dahmer but he didn't. He's an actor and even spent a season on the O.C. (which I've never seen.)

Happy 40th To . . .

Maria Bello who made us all very happy uncomfortable when she seduced her husband in a cheerleading outfit in "A History of Violence."

Hey, The Sign Said "Stop"

Noticed one of the new combo street light/ stop sign contraptions on the courthouse square was run down over the weekend by some crazed maniac. I hope Decatur has about 100 replacements laying around because it'll need them.

We Now Return You To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming


Baghdad, where every day is Virginia Tech.

Edit: The number of dead has no risen to 160.

In Case You Wanted To Know What He Looked Like

The man is described as black, between 35 and 45 years old, about 6 feet 3 inches tall and 320 pounds. He has a bald or shaved head and was wearing a black T-shirt with designs on the breast pocket and back, black shorts and black tennis shoes without laces. He has several moles on his neck and a large growth on its lower left side. (Story.)

Uh, Not The Common Man

WASHINGTON -- Looking pretty is costing John Edwards' presidential campaign a lot of pennies.

The Democrat's campaign committee picked up the tab for two haircuts at $400 each by celebrity stylist Joseph Torrenueva of Beverly Hills, Calif., according to a financial report filed with the Federal Election Commission.

FEC records show Edwards also availed himself of $248 in services from a trendy salon and spa in Dubuque, Iowa, and $225 in services from the Pink Sapphire in Manchester, N.H., which is described on its Web site as ''a unique boutique for the mind, body and face'' that caters mostly to women.

Uh, Oh

I don't think the Lord would be pleased with the alleged facts contained in the first couple of paragraphs of this story about a trial going on in Tarrant County.

Edit: He was found guilty this afternoon. Punishment will be interesting. The range is 2 to 20 years in prison but he is eligible for probation.


Most Interesting Thing About Hockey Game Tonight

The wife of former Dallas Cowboy Daryl Johnston got hit in the forehead with a puck. You have to look closely, but she has a couple of huge flesh colored band-aids on her beautiful forehead.

Baby, that's a lot of hair you got working.

Edit: The author of bagofnothing.com wrote me with a link to this pic he took of Mrs. Moose back in September.

In Someone's Name, We Pray

So I catch a little bit of the replay of the Virginia Tech Remembrance Ceremony on CSPAN tonight and, after President Bush's address, four religious speakers were introduced and said a few words. We had, batting lead off, an Islamic leader who quoted from the Koran in Arabic (really), followed by a Buddhist, then a Jewish lady, only to end with - for all you Protestant folks out there, a Lutheran.

And I didn't hear "Jesus" a single time.

You Wise County folks would have rioted.

Well, That Look Dangerous . . .

. . . so I guess I'll drive home in it.

Hottest 51 Year Old In The History Of Ever

Unfortunately, I'm too old for her (allegedly.)

Picture To Follow

April 17, 2007 — Cho Hui Seung [also spelledCho Seung-hui], a resident alien of the United States, a South Korean national and a Virginia Tech senior has been identified as the gunman in the shootings that left 33 people dead on the Virginia Tech campus Monday, ABC News has learned.

Posh Beckam Is . . .

. . . a wonderful 33 years old today.

Always A Fan Of Wikipedia . . .

. . . the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

A comprehensive entry about today's tragedy, which will only become more detailed by the hour, has already been created.

Edit: It is absolutely amazing how much that page has changed over the last 12 hours.

Saw An Overturned Car . . .

. . . in the median of 287 in Rhome a second ago.

The Worst Mass Killing In U.S. History

Remember #2?

Edit: Heard one witness on the radio (who was shot in the arm but survived) who describe the shooter as an "Asian" in his twenties.

I'm Off To Fort Worth . .

. . . but I was just shocked to learn (from ABC Radio) that "at least 20 people" have been gunned down on the campus of Virginia Tech. Follow updates here.

Good To See . . .

. . . in the Opinion section of the Dallas Morning News yesterday that the paper's official stance is now, for the first time, anti-death penalty.

That dang liberal media keeps getting it right.

Awww, Pretty Bluebonnets


(A faithful reader since me this pic - and two just like it - with the caveat of "I don't know if this is real.") Click to enlarge for more of that warm, fuzzy feeling.

Final Imus Thought

Someone on the radio reminded me this morning that Stevie Wonder's hit "I Wish" began with these lyrics:

Looking back on when I was a little nappy headed boy

Yeah, it's not the same thing but interesting nevertheless.

Turkey Talk

A faithful reader, mindful that my past half-marathon pics had generated some not so flattering comments about my legs, emailed this link and inquired if I had been shot.

No, maam, that was not me.

Why Was This A Secret?

It is your money, after all. And isn't there some inherent risk that you might die if your an astronaut? (Story.)

A Triple Good Update Today

Link. Another odd coaching vacancy in Decatur, a high speed chase that made it all the way through Wise County without the driver being shot (which is typically what happens), and a tractor-trailer driver whose wheels were figuratively flying off.


Star Telegram Gets Worse Just When You Thought It Was Impossible

I like the hard copy of the Star Telegram but its web site is horrible. There is about 2 square inches of relevant material but the rest is a mess of advertising and stale material.

Tonight hit an all time low point when a "flash" type advertisement popped up on the screen - a HUGE ad that covered half the screen (see above). The Dallas Morning News has been whipping our arse with flash ads for three years but now the ST has joined in. But the drive-me-insane moment came when I finally found the "close" button on the ad only to have it not "close". So it sat there obstructing half the screen so I had no choice other than to actually read it. As you can tell, it was an advertisement for an event that ended yesterday.

Good job their there, boys. Good job.


Today's grand marshal at the Texas Motor Speedway will be Stone Cold Steve Austin. Story behind the photo here.