Went and saw The Simpsons last night. Very funny. I've been a fan of the show for years but I rarely watch it. Odd. I know. Shows like that and well, Arrested Development come to mind, require undivided attention. Perhaps that's why the cartoon works so well on the big screen. And I still laughed at the "Spider Pig! Spider Pig" segment even though I had seen it on the promos about 10 times.
On the DVD landscape, I watched Alpha Dog last week and really, really liked it. Heck, I didn't know it was based on a true story until the end. But if you are offended by F Bomb, look out. It is dropped a whopping 369 times. And Sharon Stone's rant at the end of the movie is worth the cost of the rental alone. And a little extra trivia: the lead actor, Emile Hirsh, will play Speed in the upcoming film, Speed Racer.