I thought my neighborhood was fairly safe, but I noticed one of my neighbor's Escalade was up on blocks this morning. And that's not because he's making repairs. It's because a freakin' gang of crooks that work like a Nascar pit crew stole all his wheels.
I Live In The Hood
I thought my neighborhood was fairly safe, but I noticed one of my neighbor's Escalade was up on blocks this morning. And that's not because he's making repairs. It's because a freakin' gang of crooks that work like a Nascar pit crew stole all his wheels.
Beaten Down

So I'm in Northeast Mall today and decide to go into Hollister's to get a gift certificate. As I make my way back through the darkness to the cash register, I am stunned to see a line. Not just a small line. A big line. I counted 22 people holding overpriced merchandise waiting to give the clerks their money.
I left.
What is going on?
"The Holiday"

I wasn't particularly in a rush to rent this movie, but I finally watched it this week. Verdict: A heck of a lot better than I expected. Yeah, it's sappy. Yeah, it's sweet. But it's also pretty darn good. I won't put it in my top ten, but if you want a "feel good" movie for a weekend night, check it out.
Face Plant
Sex Offender Registration
The Austin woman who was sentenced last week to 23 years in prison for having sex with an underage neighbor turned down a plea deal before the trial that could have spared her decades of prison time.
Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley said Phill Raije Rian, 41, did not want the plea agreement of 7 years of deferred adjudication.
Richard Haynes, her attorney, said after the three-week trial that Rian did not want to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life, so she chose a jury trial.
She was sentenced to 23 years in prison and then must serve 10 years of probation.
The sex offender registration requirement can really screw up plea negotiations. It can't be waived by the judge or the prosecutor. And to a regular Joe, having to register is the equivalent of a death sentency. But I suspect that Ms. Rian would take the deal now.Jury Selection Begins In Fort Worth Police Officer Murder Case

Star-Telegram has the story.
This caught my attention: Mark Daniel and Tim Moore, Heard's defense attorneys, said they are looking forward to the case going to trial.
Trust me, they're not.
West Exchange

There is some six-in-one club has opened in the Stock Yards. Haven't seen it yet. May never see it.
One of the bars is like Coyote Ugly (I stole the pics from it, not the Fort Worth club.)
Link. Anybody been? Certainly Wise County's love of Northside has led to a couple of visitors.
Edit: A faithful reader, after blurring out "the innocent", sends in this pic from the club taken last weekend.

Non Story

Stories in the paper and on the news today are kind of misleading. Starting on September 1, the cops (in some cases) will be allowed to write a citation for misdemeanor possession of marijuana (and some other small crimes). All that means is that you won't have to go to jail, be booked in, and then bond out. But you still will have to appear in court and face the same punishment that you always have.

I didn't see this Fox program about a hot girl becoming a news anchor in Tyler, Texas, but I saw advertisements for it everywhere. (Fox 4 News even did segments on the show - either because they were paid or forced to do so.)
It premiered last night.
Today it was cancelled.
Hey, There Ms. New . . . . Well, You Know
Let's Get Rid Of That Before Court, Shall We?
Oh, My

Weatherman David Finfrock has a bad cough. DMN columnist Steve Blow has this update:
"[The doctor] also gave me an inhaler that was supposed to help. Unfortunately, it had a side effect, and I now have a yeast infection in my throat," David sighed. "That's what caused all the problem last week."
The remedy for that has been a little shocking. "I got this medicine, and it came with instructions on how to cure a vaginal yeast infection. I can just see them doing a 'What's Wrong With David Finfrock?' story now," he laughed.
NFL Quarterback Love

New England quarterback Tom Brady impregnated this lady. I'm happy to announce the baby came out of her belly last night. But I'm not exactly sure how all that works.
Tom Brady is now dating this lady. I wish I could throw a spiral. And I bet Brady just looks in the mirror all the time and says, "That's what I'm talkin' about!"

It's Getting Hot In Here
Thank You Sir. May I Have Another?
Mike Modano Is Marrying This . . .
Yep, I Speak For All Of Mankind

Last weekend I was PO'd that the Dallas Morning News had printed the picture of a young woman arrested for DWI in connection with a story about DWI enforcement in general. Today there are three letters to the editor echoing my thoughts.
(I happy to be the mouthpiece on behalf of The Common Man.)
Amazingly, in the hard copy of the paper, the Morning News ran her picture and her name AGAIN above the three letter.
Latest Traffic Report Ever
Server Error?
A Worthy Repost
"The Queen"

There are some movies that simply look like a bore-fest. I've never seen "The English Patient" and I probably never will. When I first heard of "The Queen", I didn't run out and by a ticket. But, after hearing some good reviews, I put it in my Netflix queue.
Man, did I misjudge it. It is, in essence, a look "behind the scene" of how Queen Elizabeth II handled the media and the public in the six days after Princess Diana's death. It's kind of like a British "West Wing." A friend of mine told me it was like being a "fly on the wall" and she was exactly right. Pure gold. And the character that played Prime Minister Tony Blair was probably my favorite - he was a dead ringer.
News Preview
Risky Proposition
Had Not Heard About This
Cop Road Truckers
The Shuttle Just Landed - Safely
Local Officials . . .
WBAP Commercial

Just heard Mark Davis on WBAP do a commercial for Christian Brothers Automotive. From its web site: Christian Brothers Automotive Corporation (“CBAC”)is a national automotive service franchisor headquartered in Houston, TX.CBAC was founded in 1982 by current CEO/President Mark Carr on the basic principle that honesty and integrity should be the driving force behind the business.
I don't know why that strikes me as odd. Trying to make a buck by appealing to those of similar faith?
Voir Dire
I Guess You Go Float Around Somewhere Else
Take A Break Driver 8

As much as I try, I can't get into NASCAR (although I always like Jeff Gordon to win since he's the anti-redneck.)
But I did hear that Dale Earnhardt, Jr. will not have the #8 on his car next year. I'm not sure about the details - and I didn't really care enough to google the issue. But if I'm him, I'd grab the #5 and paint my car like the Mach 5.
But, I wonder what this sweet and clean girl will do now that she has #8 forever inked above her arse?
12 More Days Until . . .

. . . Baylor's quest for a national championship goes crashing and burning in Fort Worth against TCU.
This is BU's starting quarterback, Blake Szymanski. How is he supposed to strike fear in the hearts of Aggies and Red Raiders by posing with a hot cheerleader and a freakin' puppy?! (And is that dog wearing a dress? Sheesh.) The Evil Empire's Colt McCoy wouldn't do that. Chris Simms might have, but not Colt.
Edit: A new investigative picture reveals Blake was wearing Crocs at the moment of the picture. We're doomed.
And Baylor's third string quarterback is a guy named John David Weed. I support him for the simple reason I'd like to see "Weed" on the back of a Baylor jersey. Oh, the irony.
Michael Vick To Plead Guilty

If you care about the story, you probably already knew. But I really wanted an excuse to post this pic.
But the speed of this case's disposition gives you a little insight into the federal criminal process. The trial date was not set for "next year", it was scheduled for November and it would have happened. And no crazy plea bargains, the federal sentencing guidelines limit discretion.
On another note, I was reminded today of how wheels off Vick's lawyers sounded just one month ago when Vick turned himself in on the charges. In a brief press conference, the lead defense lawyer said (twice!) that he looked forward to "proving Mr. Vick's innocence in court." That may not seem like a big deal but, for those of us that work in criminal justice, uttering such a phrase is simply mind boggling.
Baby, Where Have You Been?
Live from Jacksboro
And I've got to go to Fort Worth this afternoon. Ugh.

Your Texas Rangers were struck out 17 times today by Minnesota's Johan Santana. That's a lot of strikeouts.
Of course, the "K" represents a strike out. But this screen shot from SportsCenter taken from the stadium in Minnesota got my attention. They turn the third "K" around in an attempt to avoid an uncomfortable three strike out moment.
Edit: I'm wrong on this based upon the comments. Learn something every day.