Sometimes I do a double-take when things appear on what I call a television.
Lane Akin, the Texas Ranger who investigated the murder, testified that when he arrived at the scene, he discovered a pickup truck parked by the side of the road. The truck=s window was down, and the engine was still running. Inside the truck, he found a two-year-old child, unharmed, strapped into a car seat. In a ditch beside the truck, he found the body of Gina Capps. Akin observed both slash and cut wounds to the body. He concluded that there had been a struggle outside the truck and that a knife had been used to cause the wounds during the struggle. The medical examiner testified that the complainant was killed with a knife with a serrated edge.
So next time you meet a guy of my caliber, instead of trying to turn it around, just get to the gym! I will even give you one free training session, so you don't blow it with the next [guy like me who is] 8.9 on Hot or Not, Ivy League grad, Mensa member, can bench/squat/leg press over 1200 lbs., has had lunch with the secretary of defense, has an MBA from the top school in the country, lives in a Buckhead high rise, drives a Beemer convertible, has been in 14 major motion pictures, was in Jezebel's Best dressed, etc. Oh, that is right, there aren't any more of those!Has caused this man a lot of pain.
Is that true? I know nothing about oil and gas, so someone answers me this. If I hold the mineral rights to a piece of property and a natural gas well hits, how much am I going to make under a standard contract?At the moment, 38 homes in Dallas and the Park Cities are listed for sale at more than $5 million on Realtor.com.
(If we drop down to the shabby $2 million range, there are 1,793 such homes on the tax rolls and 213 for sale.)
So who buys these houses?
David [a relator] said it's hard to answer because wealth arrives in so many ways. One obvious candidate: anyone lucky enough to own oil and gas property.
"This has been a very good time in oil and gas," he said. "A lot of people are looking to trade up at this point."
A whole new influx of wealth has come from the nearby Barnett Shale natural gas discoveries. "There are a lot of people who weren't really well-off at all, but they happened to own 100 acres of the old family farm. Now, they are very well-off," David said.