I thought about attending the Boyd playoff game in Burleson today.
No way. Rain is bad. Cold is bad. Cold rain is Double Bad.
After a hiatus of 68 years, the Supreme Court [today] agreed to rule on the meaning of the Second Amendment — the hotly contested part of the Constitution that guarantees “a right to keep and bear arms.” Not since 1939 has the Court heard a case directly testing the Amendment’s scope — and there is a debate about whether it actually decided anything in that earlier ruling. In a sense, the Court may well be writing on a clean slate if, in the end, it decides the ultimate question: does the Second Amendment guarantee an individual right to have a gun for private use, or does it only guarantee a collective right to have guns in an organized military force such as a state National Guard unit?The fate of Wise County rests in the balance.
So the hearing starts out with the judge chewing out the lawyer for not filing a motion for continuance in writing. Its brutal. 'That's been the rule for 13 years!' Sheesh. I feel sorry for the guy who can't get a word in edgewise.
So then the judge asks DPS if they oppose the reinstatement. They don't. So the case gets reinstated. I'm not sure why the chewing out was necessary.
Anyway, the lawyer then asks the judge if she wants to see an affidavit from Judge Hoffman to prove he was tied up in a Dallas court. Good grief, man. She reinstated the case. Just shut up.
The judge says 'no' but tells DPS to go forward with its evidence.
The lawyer says 'wait, I thought we were here today only on the motion to reinstate. I didn't know we would have the hearing if the case was reinstated. I need to subpoena some witnesses.'
Judge tells him that that the order granting a hearing on the reinstatement clearly stated that it would happen. So DPS goes forward with its evidence (which is the police report.)
DPS will win this hearing. It's like a default judgment all over again - except the lawyer is in the room watching it.