The kid who didn't lace the cookies with marijuana and LSD is now free. But all the reports are that he was delivering the cookies as part of his community service as a part of a probation. That's community service? I've heard of Toys for Tots but Cookies for Cops?- WBAP interviewed a kid from Decatur yesterday who was camping outside the Apple Store in Southlake to get a new iPhone. But I didn't catch his name.
- Edit: A reader sends along this KXAS video of five teens from Decatur trying to snag the iPhone. (Thanks Joe.)
- John McCain campaigned in the town of South Park yesterday. Really.
- I don't trust kids on skateboards
- Terry Everett, branch manager of DATCU in Decatur, and her family were once on the Family Feud when it was hosted by Richard Dawson.
- I was once a "a man on the street" interview when the old 4 Country Reporter came to Bridgeport in the 1970s. I was a kid. The question was something about speeding rock trucks. Not much changes, does it?
- I used to have a boss in a bank that would say, "No, make it good day" whenever anyone wished him a good day. Beating.
- I remember when highway 380 ran right past the courthouse in Decatur (there was no bypass so if you drove from Denton to Bridgeport you'd be funneled to downtown Decatur.)
- For the life of me, I don't understand why Chesapeake Energy Corporation is spending krillions of dollars on a PR campaign about the Barnett Shale. First Tommy Lee Jones, and now they are starting something called and have hired longtime DFW anchor Tracy Rowlett to run it.
- And does anything sound more exciting than an Internet TV station run by an energy company promoting the Barnett Shale? Can I reserve season one on Netflix?
- Horrific stop down title of a news story: "Parents Plan Funerals for Twins after Pharmacy Mistake"
- That kind of brought down the room, didn't it?
- I liked my briefly running Friday Dance Off feature but it was almost impossible to find two good dance videos on youtube. You'd think it would be easy, but it wasn't.
- I just did a search for my past Friday Dance Off and I think all of them can be found here. That was good stuff.
- Prepare for withdrawal symptoms. I won't be here next week.
- I've downloaded a few songs by N.E.R.D. and really like them. (First heard of the group when their song "Lapdance" was played as exist music on Entourage.) And their new album was reviewed in People magazine last week.
- I get irritated when I hear that an album "drops" on a certain date.
- The Bridgeport City park had this rocket in it when I was a kid. Well, maybe not that rocket but a rocket that looked like it.
- The hotel out by the Gaylord Texan that has a waterpark inside of it looks cool. And they are already adding on a new wing after being open for less than a year.
- That Genghis Grill that opened up off Western Center Boulevard is really good. But you'll get Confused Head trying to order.
- And I think the Bridgeport City Council naming buildings after residents is probably a road they don't want to go down. I'd at least like a dumpster named after me.
- WBAP just reported that they were watching a police chase in South Dallas right now. I loves me some police chases.