- Admission: In looking at my old posts in 2006, I found that I didn't think much of Barack Obama.
- There's another Tarrant County motorcycle death. No helmet. Sheesh.
- Oddest call on KLIF this morning: Lady calls in saying she is a single mom of five kids (one disabled) and that she has two disabled adults also living with her as well. She then proclaims her electric bill had gone from $700 to $1,400 last month
- Another radio note: I don't get offended by much, but WBAP's "This Reporter" comedy bit (which is gawd awful) included a Michael J. Fox Parkinson's "joke" this morning.
- The earthquake in California didn't look like that big of deal, but with all the cameras in existence now, there was some pretty cool footage. (And apparently there is a pretty good one from the taping of Judge Judy. Edit: Found it. )
- When the "big one" hits California, it will be a massive disaster. I mean massive.
- I can never get use to sandals.
- Someone wrote yesterday in one of the comments that its cheaper for a family of four to eat out than eat at home. Is that as crazy as I think it is?
- You've got to love the "wacky youth pastor" trying to make a big entrance on a motorcycle. (Credit: bagofnothing.com)
- Craigslist can be nutty. But I did find a new maid.
- The Brett Favre saga is giving me Tired Head. And you would have to be a desperate NFL team with absolutely not quarterback to sign him for a year or two.
- Want to feel old? Roger Staubach was on The Ticket yesterday talking about his first Cowboys training camp in 1968. My calculator tells me that was 40 years ago!
- Texas AG Greg Abbott is a media ho. The mere fact he became involved in the criminal prosecution of five people in the Polygamy Compound smacks of attention grabbing. That's the job of the local DA - he needs to keep out. (And when I went to the official AG web site a second ago, a video immediately started playing of his press conference announcing the indictments. Sheesh. Go collect some child support.)
- The Messenger must have caught some heat about printing the "details" of the sexual assault allegations against Jimmy David Brazile because the paper has an editorial today defending itself. I read the story and didn't think twice about it.
- As of this writing, Jarhead hasn't updated his blog in five days. You are all suspects.
- I can't remember the last time I ate at Bennigan's anyway. (And for you Office Space fans, I wonder if you can buy some extra "flair" on the cheap right now?)
- Funny line from Time magazine about last week's appeals court ruling throwing out the FCC sanctions for the "wardrobe malfunction" in the Super Bowl: "Janet Jackson's nipple was acquitted on all charges."
- I've begun watching Gangs of New York. Good stuff. And it makes me feel like I'm learning at least a little bit of history (i.e. what parts of New York City was like at the end of the Civil War.)
- And we are excited about gas prices dropping to $3.70?
- Only 17,618 at the Ballpark in Arlington last night (and that includes season ticket sales regardless of whether those folks showed up.) And Ranger Ramón Vázquez entertained the crowd with three errors (is that possible?) but had the game winning hit.
- I'd like to go to Japan with a guide
- Being a football stadium aficionado, I couldn't believe the view of some of the seats in the new Colts' stadium. Aggie engineering?
- How can we go all our lives never hearing of cryptosporidiosis but now it's in every public pool?
- The Bridgeport City Pool had an incredibly high diving board when I was a kid. I think most people wouldn't let their kid swim in a city pool these days.
- What is the main reason some families choose a "graveside service" over a traditional one?