
And Another

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Not quite. Yeah, she's a school teacher and she might be involved in an alleged crime that implicated the privates, but she's not messing with under-aged young men. Nope, the gal simply tried to earn $300 for a little sumptin sumptin after meeting a guy in a chat room who said he was willing to pay $300 for said sumptin sumptin. So she goes to the Four Seasons in Houston to execute the contract (heck, I can't even afford the Four Seasons) and . . . [insert dramatic pause] . . . the cops bust her in a sting operation. To quote myself, "Sheeesh." What's this world coming to? We all know teachers are underpaid and many have to get summer jobs to make ends meet. And this girl is obviously an example of our struggling economy. But what are we spending our tax dollars on? Cops who have nothing better to do than hang out in chat rooms so they can put this young educator (who is extemely hawt by the way) in the hoosegow. My civil liberties panties boxer-briefs are in a wad.