- Yeah, I've been following the Vince Young saga in Tennessee. I just don't think it's that big of a deal.
- Did you see the bridge collapse in Kaufman County? I read that the bridge had been scheduled for demolition since it was unsafe - I think that project been expedited a bit.
- My yard looks good.
- I see inmates up at the courthouse all the time (in jumpsuits and shackles). But it's always kind of funny to see the shock on the faces of the casual courthouse visitor when they come cross them.
- Still loving the Ron Paul book.
- I'm suspicious of anyone who claims "I carry a copy of the constitution in my pocket."
- Heard two callers fire off the very tired, "If you don't like this country, get out!" mantra this morning on KLIF.
- Heard a very angry caller on the same station complaining how we make such a big deal about the victims of 9/11 but rarely remember veteran's - even on Veteran's Day. He's got a point.
- Matt Damon has a hot sports opinion about Sarah Palin. Conversely, last night I saw Chuck Norris on CNN with an opposing view. That pretty much covers it.
- I called my then girlfriend immediately after the second plane hit the second tower on 9/11. After explaining what was happening, I told her to find a TV in her office if she could. She followed that up with, "So what else is going on." I refer to that as the "defining moment" in the relationship.
- I just thought about googling my college girlfriend's name but it took me a couple of minutes to remember it. And that name-change-with-probable-marriage thing doesn't help once I recalled it.
- I was in Manhattan for three days a decade ago and went up to the top of the Empire State Building but not the World Trade Center. Big regret there.
- I never leave my driveway until I see the garage door go down and stay down.
- Sometimes I leave my engine running when I fill up with gas.
- Every Hurricane Ike story has the phrase "possibly even a Category 4" in it some where.