Man, watching Dale Hansen and former Cowboys special teams coach Joe Avezzano on Sunday night is painful. It's two old guys who think their clever trying to one up each other. - I'm through most of the second season of The Wire. Still a huge thumbs up. And I'm convinced the only way to watch a television series is on DVD.
- Is trot line fishing really fishing?
- Football quick hit: Trying to draw the defense offside on third and short with a long count is a dumb idea.
- Football quick hit #2: The Ticket's Norm Hitzges went an incredible 30-9 against the spread this weekend. But, remember kids, the government says gambling is illegal in Texas.
- I sometimes get César Chávez and Che Guevara confused
- I got a flyer saying they had opened a Rosa's Mexican Restuaruant on Western Center Boulevard west of I-35. Me loves me some Rosa's.
- I hate it when someone is in the passing lane, right beside you, who has the cruise control set to the exact same speed.
- I think most people hold strangers in contempt.
- I remember when my pee wee football team lost the championship game (our only loss of the season.) Our old school coach simply told us, "This leaves a different taste in your mouth, doesn't it?" No "great job." No "you're all winners."
- After I said I've got Sarah Palin overload yesterday, I had the new Time magazine plopped down on my desk with, uh, Sarah Palin on the cover. (And on page 26 she just happens to be feeding her baby with a bottle as she talks to John McCain on the campaign bus. How in the world could such a candid picture be taken? [insert sarcasm])
- Isn't it amazing that President Bush didn't make a personal appearance at the convention last week? He got nine minutes by satellite.
- Female bicyclist face plant.
- There's talk of moving the North Texas/LSU game to Texas Stadium this weekend due to the incoming hurricane. If so, there will more carnage in Irving than in New Orleans.
- I think it would difficult for a high school football star to adjust once high school graduation comes and goes.
- I'm still stuck with a passage from Pat Buchanan's State of Emergency when he discusses just exactly, "What is a nation?" We were a "nation", he argues, because our Founding Fathers "were loyal to a particular nation and to kinfolk with whom they shared ties of blood, soil, and memory."
- "Photos that changed the world." Here. [Edit: fixed] I spent quite a bit of time on that this weekend.
- Obama stopped smiling around six weeks ago. Seriously.
- Attending a criminal docket continues to fascinate me. Some people are scared to death. Others look like they want it to be over because they've got a beer waiting for them in the truck.
- I'll take a rainy week in September over a hot week in September