Bridgeport apparently suffered a traffic jam yesterday morning when two huge pieces of oilfield equipment had to be moved through the town.- WBAP's Mark Davis sunk to a new low yesterday when he had some nutcase lawyer on who was ranting about how Obama didn't legally qualify to be a nominee for president. Davis was really impressed by his guest's credentials of being a former "deputy attorney general" of some state. Sheesh. That's a spare government job which probably involved looking at open records requests.
- I like pulling into a parking slot to see the one in front of me open as well. I'll move forward and park in it so I won't have to back up when I leave. I'm a bad backer.
- The "more cowbell" bit is still funny.
- The Wise County Courthouse is a beautiful place but ridiculously crowded on the inside. Trying to find any room to have a private conversation is next to impossible.
- Recently deceased NBC political guy Tim Russert would be having so much fun right now.
- "One features a smiling little girl in a tiara with the message: 'One day my husband will kill me.'" -- Dallas Morning News story describing advertisement on Dallas buses.
- On Saturday morning, the Star Telegram used to carry at least a blurb about every Wise County High School football game. Now not a peep. And the Dallas Morning News doesn't acknowledge any Wise County team.
- When I was jogging yesterday I came across a guy that looked exactly like John Kerry. Not kind of like John Kerry, exactly like John Kerry.
- Every time I turn on The Ticket, the chance of hearing a commercial is greater than 60%. Radio had better figure that problem out. It's beginning to irritate me.
- And for about 200 yards during yesterday's jog there was this little kid on a bike who rode about four feet behind me and wouldn't pass. Little stalker. And when he did pass he looked at me like he was a kid right out of The Shining.
- How hard is it to move overhead power lines underground? Nothing makes a place uglier than overhead power lines.
- A guy yells at Wade Phillips. I don't think there is anyone in this world more opposite of me than him (the yeller.)
- I like voting on election day even if it means standing in line.
- A salesman came to my door the other day and I simply said "No" before he finished his first sentence and shut the door. It was probably rude, but I didn't feel badly at all.
- "This is a song I wrote about that special someone who throws a football really good." - Jessica Simpson before singing a song at the State Fair last week.
- I'm disturbed by the sin of gluttony more than the others.