Viral video of the day: Sarah Palin says a VP is in "charge of the U.S. Senate." That lady now officially wears me out.
- And things are going too well for her as stories break of $150,000 makeover by the RNC and her perhaps improperly billing the State of Alaska for the travel of her children. Let's go ask Joe the Plumber or Joe Six Pack how they feel about that.
- Sometimes I pretend 18 wheelers are living creatures (I think that was the premise of an old Steven King novel.)
- Everyone complains about doing laundry. Laundry is easy. Throw it in the washer. Throw it in the dryer. Put it up.
- Tony Romo won't play again this week. Cowboys, as a whole, probably won't either.
- Cowboy Roy Williams, who broke his arm again last week and is out for the season, is supposed to receive a $6.6 million bonus next year. Go ahead and strike him off the 2009 roster.
- I get claustrophobia driving through Lake Worth on Jacksboro Highway.
- In case you missed it, Jarhead voted anti-Wise County yesterday.
- What an awful wreck on 51 yesterday afternoon. The Messenger has a full page picture of it on page 1, above the fold, this morning.
- I've learned my nephew is now an intern/yuck monkey on ESPN radio in Waco. That job sounds better than mine.
- Gas prices are ridiculously high in Wise County when compared to the metroplex. I think, on average, they run 30 cents a gallon higher.
- I'm not sure why the right wingers got so bent out of shape over Obama's "spread the wealth" comment. That is exactly what our progressive tax system does: Take more from those who earn more and then spread it out to others. That's not exactly ground breaking news.
- When I'm at home alone, I'll swear I see people out of the corner of my eye every now and then. It used to startle me. Now I'm used to it.
- Most confusing story: An elderly lady suffering from Alzheimers wanders away from DFW Airport in 2001. They now believe her remains have been found near the Lewisville damn. Oddities: (1) Her bones were actually found a year ago but the connection is just now announced, (2) the connection was due to her personal effects being found this month around the same place - that's our scientific proof?, and (3) assuming she walked that far (and all indications are that she did) can you imagine how many people drive past her as she moved north of the airport?
- The NBA is in preseason and I'm already bored by it.
- I'll probably go stand out in the parking lot when the cold front blows through.
- DA candidate Clint Phillips seems like a nice guy, but no one can win as a write in candidate. I said the other day that I didn't think Greg Lowery, who is expected to win in a landslide, would get more than 5% of the vote if voters had to remember to write in his name.
- It's weird that "humans" include both a Nobel prize winner for physics and someone you'll see get confused at the Walmart checkout stand today.