I've had the show on in the background tonight and will occasionally glance up:
- Made me smile when I saw Morris Day and The Time reunite for Jungle Love. (Although Rihanna jacked it up with that dang Umbrella Ella Ella Ella Ella song spliced in the middle of it.)
- Hannah Montana (or whatever her real name is) presented with Cindy Lauper. Unstable.
- Cher, from what I could see, looked great.
- Tina Turner (who is extremely overrated - how many times can you sing "Proud Mary"?) came out and beat us down with a montage of songs. And...get this....she was wearing pants. Those legs may have finally given way to old age.
- Beyonce is the hottest gal that just happens to be black I have ever seen. Then, again, I don't see people in color.
- I wonder about the back up dancers. Who are they? Is this their biggest moment ever? What else do they do for a living?
- I like a couple of the Foo Fighters' songs but, for the love all things sweet and clean, do you have to scream into a mic?
- George Lopez is not, and never will be, funny.
- Most uncomfortable moment of the night: Kayne West was rambling on like an idiot, the music comes up to let him know he needs to rap it up, he gets mad, he then starts talking about his dead mother and announces it would be "in good taste" to turn the music off.
- Aretha Franklin is a big as an SUV.
- Greatest line of the night was directed toward the pompous Kayne West by Vince Gill (who was given the award for Best Country Album by Ringo Starr): "I just got handed an award by a Beatle. Have you had that happen to you yet, Kanye?"
- I think they had to medicate Amy Winehouse so she could perform.
- You know, I'm just a bumpkin from who grew up in the country, but I stop down every time I hear Andrea Bocelli sing.
- Jerry Lee Lewis is alive? But I'll give the guy credit, he belted out "Great Ball Of Fire" like a born showman.