- Fox 4 News Gem From Last Night: Some restaurant owner was interviewed after a group of cops decided to arrest an accused serial rapist (who just happened to be black) in his parking lot. "It looked like a good old boy convention."
- Fox 4 Faux: In reporting about the cop who was allegedly found passed out in his patrol car in Burleson, reporter Dionne Anglin said, "Because he refused the breathalyzer test, the officer's driver's license is automatically suspended for 90 days." It's hard to make more mistakes than that in one sentence. It's 180 days, not 90. It's not an "automatic" suspension because it will only take effect in 40 days if he doesn't request a hearing, and it's "intoxilyzer" - not "breathalyzer." Other than that, fine job Dionne.
- Final Fox 4: The alleged shooter in the drive by in Fort Worth that killed a five year old at her birthday party was named "Davila." Around here, we call if DA-ville-ah. Lari Barager, probably correctly so, pronounced it Dah-vee-LA.
- Brett Michael's
Rock Of Love is one goofy show. But me loves me some Brett Michael women. Edit:
Oh, my!
- Ok, I downloaded the audio book
The Fountainhead last night. It's huge. It'll take me until the beginning of the Obama Administration to finish it.
- I didn't know that putting out the Olympic torch would end oppression in China. That's
- The Commenter on this blog that ends his posts with "The End" makes me laugh.
- The existence of the "Polygamist Compound" (which is what I'll call my retirement ranch some day) is nothing new. Two and a half years ago I attended a legislative update seminar where I learned how all the Texas incest laws had been tricked up because of the place.
- But, man, that compound has some nice
- Random Republican run off last night in Fort Worth for a district judgeship that you probably don't care about: Melody Wilkinson beat Mike Hrabel 5,279 votes to 5,259. That's, uh, really close. (And I used to hang out with Melody back in the good old days.) Edit: Heck, she
may not have won.
Oh, my.
- People that get a hang up call but (after seeing their number on their caller ID) call that number to make sure they weren't trying to be reached, are nuts.
- The Plaintiff in the lawsuit against the Sheriff's Office yesterday testified with an untucked button-down-the-front shirt. And not in a hip, untucked sort of way.