- I always look in rear view mirror when I'm coming to a stop. I just expect the guy behind me not to be paying attention - although there is probably little I could do about an impending collision.
- I hate small talk with the hair cutter. She started asking about my life yesterday and, for some crazy reason, I just started making stuff up.
- From a news video yesterday, I noticed that
Obama wears a tank top like undershirt (which also means that his the fabric of his white dress shirt is too thin). I always wear a regular T-shirt and really don't see the point of the tank top type.
- And who is this "Barnett" of the Barnett Shale?
- There will be, certainly, a bust to this natural gas boom. It has to happen. So when will the crash occur? I'll bet on 2012. Maybe March 12
th. At 10:33. That's A.M.
- Fox 4 News has it in for Dallas DA Craig Watkins. And that guy is due for a fall.
- The judge
throwing out the blood test results in
Dalworthington Gardens doesn't have any impact locally (nurses, not cops, withdraw the blood around here.) But I feel sorry for the defendant in that case. Up until yesterday she was just one of a thousand DWI cases in
Tarrant County. But last night she had her her mugshot plastered all over the news.
- If I had a parrot, I wonder if I'd be tempted to put it on my shoulder and pretend to be a pirate?
- I once busted my head wide open as a kid after falling off a diving board at a hotel in Miami and then hitting the concrete side. My mom tells me she looked up and said, "Look at all that blood. It looks like a shark attack. Uh, where's Barry?" True story. I've still got a scar on the back of my head.
- I was also knocked unconsciousness about two years later when I ran into a brick wall at my next door neighbor's house while going for a basketball rebound. My brother, he says, picked me up and stood me on my feet - only to have me fall over backwards hitting my head on the pavement again. I woke up four hours later on my couch after the doctor had made a house call. (Which tells you how long ago it was.) We didn't do an MRI or CAT scan because no one had ever heard of them back then in little Bridgeport, Texas.
- I had two other head injuries that required medical attention but I won't bore you with the details.
- I wonder if all those head injuries explain anything? I'm pretty sure I said something about a pirate a second ago.
- If I were young inner city black man who happened to be in a gang, I think I'd want to be in charge of the logistics of the drug selling in the projects. Wouldn't want to be involved in it, be the enforcer, or the money guy. I just want to design how it all went down. (Yep, I'm still watching
The Wire.)
- Everyone asks me why I don't sell advertising space. Answer: I don't know. But I should set up a pay plan where you guys could see all the wild arse comments I receive that I don't allow to go through. It's like
Taxi Cab Confessions. Only different.
- When I was a kid (man, lots of flashbacks today), my dad would occasionally proclaim, "The king is dead! Long live the king!" For years, I was ashamed to admit to him that I had no idea what he was
talking about. But as I was mowing the lawn last weekend and listening to
Coldplay's new "hit single", I heard
these lyrics: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" I smiled to myself at that moment on my lawn.
- Ranger Ian
Kinsler has a 20 game hitting streak. To be in your early 20s and a major league success would be sweet.
- My favorite moment of the day is crawling into bed. That seems wrong.
- The Cowboys are
offering, through Oct. 1, a chance for fans to buy an inscribed
paver brick that will be installed on the Legacy Walk surrounding the stadium's exterior. The
paver bricks come in three different options, costing $150, $300 or $375. I'm thinking "Ralph Hardy. Newark, Texas".
- I
saw that story on the
DMN's Cowboys blog. I loved this first comment: "$150, $300 or $375 for a brick? Of what, hash?"