The Exit

Today's Wise County Sights and, Well, More Sights
I'm Insane Now
Reader Submitted Pics This Morning

Opening Chaos

Random Friday Morning Thoughts

- We're in an economic crisis, the stock market is falling in a shocking manner, but everyone seems to be going on with their daily lives and buying as much junk as they always have. I can't find a soup line anywhere.
- There's a roach in my trash basket. Just heard him. Creeped me out. He's trapped. I wish ill will upon him.
- I'll try to update tomorrow from Texas/OU with some cell phone pics.
- I remember my first college roommate bragging to me that he had spent a whopping $25 on a scalper to get into the Texas/OU game his senior year in high school. And I thought there is no way I'd ever pay such an outrageous amount.
- I can't believe I'm telling you to take 10 minutes and watch Wade Phillips press conference from yesterday in wake of the Pacman "controversy". It was shockingly comical. It's like he's never dealt with a hostile press before, and I still say the Cowboys will never win it all with that guy at the helm.
- I don't think Luke or Owen Wilson can act. At all.
- There's an airshow at Alliance this weekend. Back when I used to play golf two years ago, I played on a Sunday afternoon at that hotel across from the Speedway. I remember being buzzed all day by the low flying Thunderbirds during the airshow.
- I can't imagine being a high school teacher in the metroplex.
- The stock market has dropped 40% in the last 12 months. But the fundamentals of our economy are strong. In all seriousness, this collapse has been a sucker punch to the McCain campaign.
- For some reason, one Wise County JP takes forever to get to the jail for arraignments so that newly arrested folks can have a bond set and get out of jail. Ridiculous.
- Video going around yesterday: McCain/Palin supporters.
- Last night I dreamed I was a defensive back who was trying to guard a gal who was outfitted in goth and could run like the wind. After that, it got really weird.
- By the way, the attorney in the sexual assault/child porn case was court appointed. I felt sorry for him since he had absolutely nothing to work with.
- Man, this episode of Fox 4's Tell It To Tim is funny.
- Last night the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office raided a bunch of "8 liner clubs" on Jacksboro highway and seized over 300 slot machines. What a time waste.
- Is there anything that instills less confidence in the economy than when President Bush talks about it? He offered a gem yesterday when he said, "the United States will take strong action in dealing with the current economic situation." Ohhhhkaaayyyy.
- Other child porn case tidbit: I heard that the guy turned down a 20 year plea bargain offer but I haven't verified that.
- I didn't know that the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, specifically said that slavery is an acceptable punishment if a person is convicted of a crime.
This Man . . .

- I didn't hear the judge stack the porn sentences (although that's a moot point)
- In answer to a question, the vast majority of the fine goes to the State. None of it goes to the victim. In this case, he'll never have to pay it. I think, for folks that parole out, that the parole division tries to collect any fine.
You See These Cheap Glasses?

Little Dumplings

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

- Pacman Jones got into an altercation in a bathroom with his body guard at a Dallas hotel the other night. From the news reports I've heard it involved Ludacris being around, Pacman being shirtless, and broken mirrors. I call that a good night.
- It happened at the Joule hotel in Dallas which I had never heard of because it's not on the Interstate next to a Comfort Inn. But I looked up some pictures of it and discovered it's got a cool rooftop pool that extends over the sidewalk and has a glass wall.
- I really like the Tulia book I'm reading (uh, listening to.) Now I have a desire to drive out to the town just to look around - but it's 308 miles away (says The Google.)
- I wonder if parents are still naming their boys "Dakota"?
- Just heard on the radio about a motorcycle wreck on 121 in Fort Worth.
- I get complaints about all the political comments that show up here.
- Hey, I know I've got a problem with homophones (look it up) but I type this junk pretty quickly at 7:00 in the morning.
- The local car lots in Decatur seem to have less cars in them than in past years.
- One of these years I'm going to go to New England in the fall. I guess the leaves will be turning in the next three weeks.
- I'm glad Sarah Palin was late to the national scene. That voice is beginning to get to me.
- I monitored most of the sex abuse/child porn case in the courtroom yesterday with posts on my Twitter thingy. I think I'll do a separate post about it later.
- People aren't either sane or crazy, but it's a scale. If 100 is completely normal and 0 is bat arse nuts, there are lots of people in the 50s and 60s out there.
- There's a guy with some land off of 380 as you are going into Jacksboro who is always flying an OU flag. I'd think he'd catch lots of grief for that.
- I understand wanting to be President but would you really want to be President right now?
- I predict Hugh Hefner's death in the next 12 months (sometimes I just get visions like that.)
- FDR's New Deal was pretty much creating projects which created jobs and then payed people to do those jobs. I'm not sure how much was spent, but I bet it wasn't close to the $1 trillion bailout we've just seen.
- And I mentioned a few weeks ago that This American Life's "A Big Pool Of Money" provided the best explanation of the mortgage crisis that I ever heard. Well, they have a new podcast out this week that describes what in the heck happened over the last three weeks that caused everyone in government to fear a collapse. I never thought a program about the "commercial paper market" and "credit default swaps" would be interesting but it was easy to understand and fantastic. Get it here. Trust me on this.
Tiny Car
"A Dog Chaser, Your Honor? Yes. But A Dog Killer? No Way!"

This Drives Me Nuts

He Without Sin . . .
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

- I mentioned a sexual assault/pornography trial going on yesterday and it makes the front page of the Messenger today.
- I mentioned a mock execution in Nacogdoches, and it makes Fox 4 News.
- Coincidence? Probably.
- Former Cowboy Larry Brown sold his Super Bowl ring for $23,000 on eBay?
- I'm with everyone else, that "my friends" mantra coming from McCain can get to you after a while.
- I may go to a Halloween party. Women have about a billion crazy outfits they can wear. Guys, uh, not so much.
- Stood behind a guy in a convenience store line this morning who was spouting off hot opinions about how he wasn't going to vote because, "I really don't have any good choices." The clerk then agreed saying he had watched the debate, didn't like either one of them, and wasn't "going to vote for stupid." Yep, that was coming from the convenience store clerk working the morning shift.
- Headline indicating your life has gone horribly wrong: "Ex Mr Gay UK 'killed and ate dinner pal in cannibal horror', court told"
- Debate thought: Just because you are surrounded by a crowd that can only ask pre-approved questions and is not aloud to react does not make it a "town hall" meeting.
- Debate thought #2: Tom Brokaw needed to take charge of the timer. If there was a one minute time limit, shut them down.
- I wonder if you will ever be able to control and dictate your dreams. That would be cool.
- I'll probably get to Fair Park on Saturday before 8:00 a.m. for the 11:00 a.m. kickoff. Maybe I'll take pictures of carnies.
- The mere thought of the NBA starting up powers me down to no end.
- I noticed that Obama sat on the stool last night in kind of a cool position while McCain was talking. You know, I bet his handlers worked on that. If I'm in charge of him, I'd get one of those stools beforehand and rehearse different sitting positions.
- I presume the stock market has bottomed out. Of course, I thought that two weeks ago when I decided to back that thought up with a check. Edit: It opened down 213 in the first minute this morning.
- There was a very cantankerous Newark woman on the witness stand yesterday in the trial in Decatur who didn't seem remotely intimidated by her surroundings. She was loud, confrontational, and full of down home country witticisms. But the funniest moment was when, outside the presence of the jury, Judge Fostel overruled a Motion for Mistrial after she said something allegedly objectionable. After the ruling, she immediately boomed a "Thank ya, judge" (like she had made the same ruling in her mind) and then proceeded to begin to explain why he was right. "Hold it!" Fostel said, shutting her up. "I don't need any praise. "
Which Side Is He On?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain is proposing a $300 billion program for the federal government to buy up bad home mortgages and allow homeowners to keep their houses.
McCain said: "Until we stabilize home values in America, we're never going to start turning around and creating jobs and fixing our economy and we've got to get some trust and confidence back to America."
In an unusual step, McCain announced the plan during Tuesday's debate. He said that as president he would direct the federal government to purchase mortgages directly from homeowners and mortgage providers. The loans would be replaced with fixed-rate mortgages, ostensibly at a loss to the government.
"Is it expensive? Yes," McCain said.
(1) Isn't this exactly what the government just did with the almost $1 billion billion bailout? That is, buying bad mortgages and trying to work them out?
(2) We need $300 billion more in welfare?
(3) Since when is it the government's job to "stabilize home prices"?
(4) This guy is a Republican? If Obama wins, part of the reason has to be that conservatives aren't remotely energized by McCain who sounds more like a Democrat than a Republican.
The "Debate"

This Picture Is Everywhere

On The View This Morning
Mock Execution Fun

Three Things I Learned At The Courthouse
- Apparently one of the few stop lights in Decatur got knocked down at 51 and Thompson and was then hit by a couple of cars this morning. Soon to be County Attorney James Stainton said he drug it to a ditch. I then shamed him for not taking a picture.
- Since I am a superior athlete who has suffered and Achilles injury, everyone wanted to know if I saw superior athlete Misty May snap her Achilles tendon on Dancing With The Stars last night
- There's a trial going on in district court that might involve sexual assault and child pornography. I'll give you an update later.

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts
The Tarrant County DA's office is trying a murder case this week when the body of the alleged murder victim has not been found. From a defense standpoint, those "let the jury get back there and figure it all out" cases scare me.
- And in that case, the jury panel was asked if anyone had heard or read anything about the case. Only three people raised their hands. That reminded me of helping out in a worker's compensation trial (many years ago) on the day after the Star Telegram had printed a huge story entitled "Anatomy of A Worker's Compensation Case." We asked how many of the jurors had read it. The answer: Zero. (That kind of changed my perception of the public.)
- Fox 4 weatherman Dan Henry led the broadcast last night by saying, "I'm involved in a chat session right now with the National Weather Service." Really? I wonder if the forecast was delayed because he had to answer the question, "What R U wearing?"
- Drinking out of a water hose in the Texas heat is still good times.
- Oh, and the above pic? It's the Dallas Stars' "Ice Girls". I had no idea they existed. (Thanks emailer who shall remain nameless so his wife won't kill him.)
- Anyone who says, "I don't like drama" probably either (1) causes a lot of drama, or (2) perceives drama where there is none.
- How Major League Baseball can't get its first round playoff games on any station other than TBS shows just how far baseball has fallen.
- Anybody who listens to MSNBC's Jim Cramer deserves what they get. (This clip shows him yesterday on the Today Show saying that if you have money in the market that you will need in the next five years, to take it out now. And he says, "I don't want to say these things on TV.")
- This country is a mess. On all fronts. I almost feel like Tommy Lee Jones' character in the Valley of Elah where he raises the flag upside down in the ending scene.
- I think the guy that posts here about the end of the world coming on a certain date in 2012 is a nut.
- I see a lot of parents that act like their children are more of a burden than a joy.
- It's extremely rare that I ever have to take time to "clear my head" or "work things out with myself."
- Man, if Obama wins I'm camping out the next day in front of the radio just to listen to the conservatives' collective head explode.
- In another county this week, I saw a Sheriff's office car pull up to a convenience store and drop off what appeared to be a homeless man. Then the deputy drove away.
- I wonder if something is bugging Tony Romo. And T.O. is acting like he's about to have another meltdown.
- I like Kanye West's Love Lockdown.
- I don't think pit bulls should be illegal, but if you have kids and own one then you are as nutty at the 2012 guy.
- I'm not saying it's good or bad: chicotxchat.blogspot.com
- Leading sentence in a Star Telegram article today that I think is ridiculous: "New teachers may have a tough time finding jobs next year because more people are expected to compete for fewer positions, school officials said." Puhleeeeze.
- Lots of headlines around saying that "Investors Should Not Panic." I'm not sure I've ever seen a headline that urged the opposite.
- I think it is Channel 5 news that will occasionally have about six "financial experts" on stage who are there to "take your calls for free regarding your financial issues." First, that's a little broad, isn't it? And with all the nutcases and pranksters out there, don't you know those "experts" are getting whipped with calls that are either pulling their chains or downright creepy?
I'm Beginning To Like The Comments On The Dallas Morning News
Early Pick Me Up Alert

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

- It drives me nuts when ESPN shows a football highlight and speeds up the footage to save time. They have enough time to rattle their jaws for hours on end, but they can't take 10 seconds and show a kickoff return for a TD at a normal speed?
- I like weekends more now than I
haveever have. - Slideshow of various pro and con signs held up during Sarah Palin's visit to Dallas on Friday.
- I told you I have OU/Texas tickets this weekend. Man, I'm excited. And I rarely get excited about anything. And I'm assuming ESPN's College Gameday crew will be there, but I haven't seen anything official.
- I was halfway keeping an eye on the Cowboy game yesterday when I swore I saw a Cincinnati player with more hair coming out of the back of his helmet than I've grown in the last 10 years.
- Elisabeth Shue is 45 today. I could watch her in Adventures In Babysitting until my eyeballs bleed.
- I repaired a PVC pipe this summer on a very hot day. It held like a charm. Until yesterday when the recipient of my generosity was rewarded with a flooded back yard. Power. Down.
- I've been praising The Innocent Man until you guys are sick of hearing about it, but I'm well into a new book that might be better: Tulia: Race, Cocaine, and Corruption in a Small Texas Town. It helps that the author is spot on with Texas legal concepts like enhancements, drug-free zones, and probation eligibility.
- I think I'm becoming obsessed with incompetent or corrupt cops as well as prosecutors who have blinders on.
- That book makes me feel much better about questioning multi-county drug task forces which I did while DA -- Task forces that have now been all but abolished by the legislature. What a horrible idea that was. (Think of a summer camp with no adult supervision.)
- Those GPS devices are amazing. I was temporarily lost this weekend, hit the "home" button on the sucker, and the next thing I now I'm being told to take a series of lefts and rights until I'm safely where I need to be.
- In The Spin last week, I referred to the legendary "Newark Spaceman." It wasn't until Saturday that someone finally wrote me to tell me I was an idiot. I meant "Aurora Spaceman."
- And I was wrong about the DA in The Innocent Man still being the DA. He retired at the first of the year with three years still left on his term - and he was honest enough to admit that the Grisham book had something to do with it.
- I hate getting out of bed in the morning when it is raining.
- I like looking at the laundry of the person in front of me when I'm at the dry cleaners. With that limited information, I try to make a quick judgment as to what kind of person they are.
- After hearing one of the local judges talk about it, I downloaded the free application for the iPhone that allows you to hold the phone up to anything playing a song (radio, TV, other mp3 player) and within seconds it will tell you the artist and the name of the song. It works like a charm, never fails, and knows even the most obscure song. It's called Shazam and here is a 45 second youtube video showing how it works.
- For the first time in my life, I had to yell at kids next door for being a nuisance. (Throwing rocks at animals constitutes a nuisance in my book.) Little hellions.
- I hate it when some fancy smancy car owner takes up two spaces. Over at the D Magazine blog, this guy hates it too. And calls the offender out with a picture.
- I TIVO'd the Baylor/OU game last weekend because I was going to miss it. So I'm heading home at about the time the game should be over, and I'm doing a great job of keeping away from all radio coverage so as not to learn the score. Then I see a car drive by flying an OU flag. There's no way, I thought, that the guy is going to have the flag out if the greatest upset in the history of ever had just happened. Ugh.