In Honor of Tech v. OU . . .
. . . and multiple requests, here's the "Texas Tech hot girl" link. But let me warn you, it takes forever to load.
And on a programming note: I've off to NYC this afternoon but I'll try to throw a few observations this way over the next two or three days (and I can keep your comments rolling via the iPhone). And I'll also try to put up some pics through that Twitter link over there to the right. If I don't freeze:

The Rest Of The Story

Now This, I'm Interested In

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

- The Final Four coming to the Cowboys new stadium? I can't imagine a worse place to watch a basketball game than in a football stadium.
- I'm kind of intimidated by the museums in Fort Worth
- I dreamed Texas Stadium was flooded and I had to scuba dive under the benches to pick up loose pens and pencils. I showed what I had recovered to Jerry Jones who confusingly said, "Can you imagine if we would have had three more minutes in those games we lost?" I don't know what it means, either.
- Music I like: Girl Talk's Feed The Animals. It's almost impossible to explain (a song will include 10 seconds of the Carpenter's overlayed with Nelly which morphs into T-Pain and then the Eagles). Download the album for free or pay what you want here.
- If a lunch includes more than three people, you will learn nothing of interest. And three people is pushing it.
- I hit my snooze button three times this morning. Odd for me. But I positioned myself where the clock would be in arm reach when it went off again.
- My Netflix rentals have come to a screeching halt for the last three months. Jogging outside is the problem.
- Last week I tried to sign up the White Rock Half Marathon but it was sold out. That depressed me. Is it really that much more trouble to open up a race to a few thousand more people?
- Paris Hilton hasn't done anything crazy in a while.
- Do they still sell cigarettes in vending machines?
- Carbonated drinks burn my mouth, but I still drink them.
- I know a handful of people that graduated from Bridgeport and Texas Tech. This is a heck of a football weekend for them. Both schools are unbeaten with everything on the line this weekend.
- You always hear the advice of: Find out what you love and then get a job in that area. I wonder how many people actually do that? One percent?
- I found some high tone silky pajama bottoms that I hadn't seen in three years last night.
- Read in the Star Telegram that Tiger Woods was in town this week for two days shooting a commercial at Colonial. He stayed in the Ashton Hotel (place looks nice) but the article also said he took a "jog downtown." Not so sure I believe the last part.
- CNN just had a news flash that oil dropped below $50 a barrel this morning. It was $147 in July. Remember when they were telling us it was just "supply and demand"? Riiiiighttttt.
- Someone sent me a link with about 200 pictures of Texas Tech girls. The one above is from that collection.
- Someone used www.letmegooglethatforyou.com in a response below. That's funny.
Made Me Sweat For A Second

Hottie and The Hot Opinion

Remember Shoshanna Lonstein? There’s no reason you should but if you do you know she became famous in 1993 when she started dating Jerry Seinfeld. Which was a big deal at the time because she was 17 and he was 38.Not that there's anything wrong with that. (Picture taken last week). But I'm completely distracted by my hot opinion that I have on the Seinfeld series: For the first three or four years, it may have been the funniest thing on TV. Maybe ever. After that, it got silly. And stupid. The Contest? Funny. Pez dispenser on leg? Funny. "Jimmy is sweet on you?" Funny. "I can't spare a square?" Funny. Shrinkage (an episode that includes the very underrated line of "Boutros, Boutros, golly") ? Funny But Kramer installing a garbage disposal in his shower, George faking he is crippled to get a job, Kramer getting a personal assistant intern, Puerto Rico day? Not funny. Wait a second. Where are my priorities? Shoshanna = Hey, now.
Would You Have Taken That Bet?

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

- Ok, let's try this: Insider trading. Got it. (But I promise my fingers wanted to type training. I've found a brain to finger flaw inside of me.)
- Saw where Southlake is going to have another "town square" shopping center which is bigger than the current one and this one will be right off 114. (Saw the story on Channel 8.)
- You can't turn on the news without hearing the word "vetting."
- Since I started practicing law in Wise County exclusively since 1993, I've never heard of a rumor of a public official in the criminal justice system attempting to be bribed. (This Morning News story made me think of it.) Yeah, it's had its flaws, but dishonesty is not one of them.
- I can't imagine wearing a dress shirt and tie without a T-shirt.
- Steve Doocy of Fox's Fox and Friends is one goofy guy.
- The more I think about it, that cross country runner video from yesterday (below) was really weird. (Pretty good photo of the incident here.)
- It will now cost you $28,250 a year to be a full time student at TCU.
- If arrested, you don't have to have your Miranda rights read to you unless the police intend to question you. (I hear that complaint/question more than any other.)
- I just saw my breath in the cold weather but it is supposed to be 80 degrees today.
- I've never been sure of Darlie Routier's guilt. (And I somehow ended up representing one of her extended family members on a traffic ticket in Wise County. )
- The automakers asking for $25 billion from the government is mind-boggling. Can we just scrap this whole system and start over?
- Retiring to Mexico doesn't sound like a bad idea.
- On my jog outside yesterday, I saw a guy that looked like Jason Bateman at the exact same location that I normally see the Fake John Kerry. It's kind of like my own Field of Dreams on the jogging trail.
- One out of 5 people if DFW don't have cable or satellite.
- Heard an "expert" on The Ticket yesterday tell Norm Hitzges that Mark Cuban will be entitled to a jury of his peers and "although he doesn't have many peers, they'll try to do the best they can" to have a jury composed as such. What an idiot.
- The Evil Empire announced yesterday that first year defensive coordinator Will Muschamp will be the head coach once the current head coach, Mack Brown, steps down. But Brown intends to coach into the foreseeable future. That's just weird.
- I had a crazy dream last night. Woke up at 2:00 a.m. exhausted and thought about it. Then I woke up this morning and can't remember what it was about.
- "McALLEN, Texas – Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have been indicted on state charges." I thought that headline was a joke, but it wasn't. That's just a crazy grand jury. Cheney and Gonzales don't have anything to worry about.
- In a country that values good sportsmanship, why do we find it acceptable for a wide receiver to argue that he caught a ball when he knows he did not?
- Edit: And Ann Curry is celebrating 52 years on this earth today. Boycott in effect.
You Got Fight . . . For Your Right . . . . To, You Know

Inspirational Finish To Cross Country Race

- Do that many people turn out for a Cross Country race?
- What is wrong with this kid? It's a 5K. I'm an old man with short legs and I can run a 5K without breaking a sweat.
- Is it proper form for your teammate to slap you on the back when you're dying?
- Why does the guy drop an SOB bomb at the end?
- Do you have to cross the entire finish line or can just part of your body cross it?
- And what's with the stretcher? They'd let him die one foot from the finish line if need be, but as soon as he's finished we're prepared to do everything in our power to save him?
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

- The Mark Cuban insider training (Edit: Why do I keep typing "training"? Ugh. Trading. Trading. Trading.) thing doesn't sound like a big deal. And compared to what those have done to cause the mortgage crisis, he looks as innocent as a school board.
- And I like the way he called the government out: “I am disappointed that the Commission chose to bring this case based upon its Enforcement staff’s win-at-any-cost ambitions. The staff’s process was result-oriented, facts be damned. The government’s claims are false and they will be proven to be so.”
- The elimination of mass purchases of Sudafed, etc. have really cut down on the cases of homemade meth in Wise County.
- Preliminary weather forecast for OU/Tech: Temperature in the 50s with no rain.
- Today is the 30 year anniversary of of the Jim Jones / Kool Aid / Dead Congressman /Mass Suicide. My award winning review of the leading documentary of that crazy incident is here.
- I haven't had Kool Aid in 20 years.
- And I have never lead a congregation in a mass suicide.
- The print media continues to receive blow after blow: D Magazine laid off 19% of its staff.
- There are too many types of orange juice
- I wouldn't want to be in the business of collecting on credit card debt right now. I bet that's the next industry to take a hit
- I had an American Express card at age 18. My dad told me not to be an idiot with it. That was good advice.
- I've never seen The Big Lebowski although everyone tells me I'd love it.
- I slept through the whole night last night. I can't remember the last time that happened.
- No one missed an opportunity to cash out more than Yahoo! About six months ago, Microsoft offered to buy the company for $33 a share. Yahoo! said no. Yesterday Yahoo!'s stock closed at $10.63
- Ted Kennedy returned to the Senate yesterday accompanied by his wife. In more important news, I discovered his wife is pretty hot.
- The Dallas DA, Craig Watkins, is one weird guy. From the Star Telegram this weekend: "Every night at 3 o’clock in the morning I wake up, and I wake [my wife] up and I say, 'You’ve got to make me feel better about all this.’ And so she talks to me and says it’s going to be all right. But it’s every night."
- Woah, I was waking up at 3:00 a.m. for most of the summer
Favorite Headlines Of The Day
Monday Afternoon Pick Me Up
Mark Cuban Accused Of Something Other Than Being Goofy?

Open For Bids

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

- Tony Romo was sporting a tricked up hat during the post game interviews. Kind of like he was channeling Payne Stewart.
- Ended up at Pete's Piano bar in downtown Fort Worth on Saturday night. When I left before midnight the place was packed and there was a line about a half a block long to get in.
- A girls night out bachelorette party is always fun to watch. There's always the bride to be acting like a queen, then there's two or three of her friends who are triple drunk, and then there's always the girl that looks like she is ready to kill every other girl in the party.
- Meanwhile, over in Dallas after midnight, there was a shooting and death at a club in the Uptown area. Remember kids, nothing good happens after midnight.
- And I could have been at the World's Best Bottom contest.
- Barack Obama was on 60 Minutes but really didn't say much. But when asked how his life had changed since the election he said he is finally sleeping in his own bed. I bet he hadn't done that in months.
- Skirt with boots is a good look.
- Every girl I know seems to love The Notebook. And I've never seen it. I wonder if it's a Dell or Hewlett Packard?
- Every NASCAR driver seems to have a hot blonde wife -- just like in Talladega Nights.
- Whenever I get stuck in a long line at a convenience store, I want to say, "This is a convenience store, right?" But I never would.
- I'll be in Manhattan this weekend and OU/Tech are playing on Saturday night. I didn't really plan on that being the game of the year when the trip was planned.
- I ate at Enrique's, a new Mexican restaurant at Basswood and Beach in north Fort Worth on Friday. And Enrique himself sent some free stuff over to our table.
- I haven't watched Nip/Tuck in forever. But, the best I recall, it jumped the shark pretty early.
- Everything you wanted to know about Bridgeport's first playoff opponent.
- Kept seeing the names of Randy Couture and Brock Lesnar on Sunday. I learned it had something to do with an octagon.
- Edit: As part of my economy implosion watch, Citigroup just announced it is cutting 50,000 jobs.
Gambling --- Another Reason Not To Do It

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