A Litttle Known (Recent) Texas Stadium Memory
A Euless Trinity football player has been disciplined for intentionally running over a game official during a playoff game two weeks ago.
"We did conduct an investigation and he is being disciplined according to the student code of conduct," said Judy Ramos, director of communications for the Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD.
Ramos declined to name the player, but internet video of hit shows the player wearing No. 47, who is listed on the Trinity roster as senior linebacker Elikena Fieilo.
Fieilo, a second-team all-state linebacker, was the defensive MVP in Trinity's 2007 Class 5A Division I title game win over Converse Judson.
The University Interscholastic League is also investigating the incident and could levy additional sanctions. Trinity football coach Steve Lineweaver directed all inquiries to Ramos.
The video, taken from two angles, is from the late stages of Allen's 34-21 win over Trinity in the Class 5A Div. I Region I final at Texas Stadium Dec. 6.
At the snap of the ball, the Trinity linebacker immediately runs to his right and knocks the unidentified official to the ground, even though the play is a running play to his left.
Ramos said the student has mailed a formal letter of apology to the official.
"He's very remorseful," Ramos said.
Crazy News From This Morning

And Another

That's Messed Up

- Joshua
- John-David
- Jana
- Jill
- Jessa
- Jinger <--- Most tricked up name
- Joseph
- Josiah
- Joy-Anna
- Jeremiah
- Jedidiah <---- Close second for most tricked up name
- Jason
- James
- Justin
- Jackson
- Johannah
- Jennifer
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

- The White House will announce its plan at 8:00 a.m. today for auto industry. Let me guess: Throw money at the problem and make it go away.
- I feel fat.
- I don't know Lanier of the "Lanier Law Firm" in Houston but he's rich enough to hire Hannah Montana to sing at his Christmas party.
- There used to be a band called "Buck Naked" that played in a little shack outside of Boyd in the 1990s.
- I couldn't afford to hire Buck Naked to play my firm's Christmas party right now.
- I'm calling for updates of the Christmas decorations around the Wise County Courthouse. It's looking a little shabby compared to the way the old Denton County Courthouse looks.
- I used to go in the district clerk's office and examine every Christmas decoration to make sure there weren't any religious reference while saying stuff like, "I better not find the baby Jesus in here!" I was joking, but I think it always made them uncomfortable.
- I don't know how you people afford kids.
- It's easier to search for a story in the Star Telegram or the Dallas Morning News by using Google instead of the paper's own search engines.
- Kristy Swanson is 39 today. I've been extremely jazzed by her ever since I saw her in a little known movie called The Chase.
- Drew Peterson, 54, (who is rumored to be responsible for the fact that his current wife,
LaceyStacy Peterson, is missing) is engaged to a 23 year old. Her picture should be here. Man's a playa. Edit: Yep, I had "Peterfusion" - While looking for something I wrote one time, I stumbled across this gem that I penned on October 12, 2003 about the University of Texas: " . . . how long do you think Head Coach Mack Brown has left?" (Here, last item.) Might have missed on that one.
- I'm thinking about going to the last high school game ever in Texas Stadium which is played tonight. It's Celina vs. Carthage For the 3A-II championship. I suppose if Bridgeport had been lucky enough to win out, they would be playing there tonight. That would have been cool.
- I had a weird dream last night that I was in a 300 type of battle in a cornfield. Man, there have been some crazy nights in my head this week.
We Need More Lawyers

Lunchtime Choice . . .

The Death Of Jennifer Gale
My Final Female Christmas Present

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

- It was foggy out there this morning. Before 7:00 there was a van upside down along 287 at around 407.
- Former TCU and NFL great Sammy Baugh has passed away. I presume he was great because that's what everyone is saying - he was 94 - who knows. (He lived in Roby which, after looking it up, is was out by Abilene. Then I got distracted because Google Street View had been to Roby.) Edit: OK, I'm an idiot. It's "Rotan" not "Roby". And for the life of me I have no idea where "Roby" came from.
- I hate waking up hot because I had the heater up too high.
- Caroline Kennedy wants the Senate seat that will be vacated by Hillary. I think Kennedy is personality challenged and, after reading her "constitutioanl law book" a few years back, not that bright. It was like "Con Law for Dummies."
- Great idea for TV: There needs to be an alternative channel for every sporting event that does nothing but zoom in on people in the crowd.
- I use too much salt. I'm not sure why salt is bad for you, but I use too much of it anyway.
- Carbonated soft drinks burn my mouth. It's really painful.
- HBO is running a documentary on the integration of college football. Sheesh, there's all this footage from the 1960s (which isn't that long ago) where we were a Redneck Nation. Some video from Ole Miss showed a mascot which was a Rebel General in full battle gear, a full sized confederate flag unrolled on the field, and the band spelling out "Dixie."
- The weirdest thing about the Price Is Right video below is Drew Carey's lifeless reaction.
- Another day, another Mindy McCready suicide attempt.
- I woke up in the middle of the night and saw some movie awards show on TV. I thought it was VH1 or MTV. Then I saw the graphic for the winner in a category that involved an unmentionable body part. It was then I realized it was The Adult Video Movie Awards. (Hey, it was Cinemax or Showtime.)
- Not that I watched the aforementioned awards show, but one of the entertainment routines involved very scantily clad women dancing only to be surrounded by other dancers wearing jackets that had "FBI" on the back of them. The singer was ranting about censorship. Pretty good schtick.
- Crazy dream last night: I was trying to defend myself by trying to load a gun with mushrooms. (I have no idea.)
- "Watership Down" is a cool title. I've never read the book, but it's a cool name. Kind of like "Clockwork Orange."
Good Bye Texas Stadium

- I saw the first event in the stadium's history in the early 1970s: A Billy Graham Crusade
- In 1989 when Michael Irvin, I think in his second season, blew out his knee and was gone for the season. I'm pretty sure Steve Walsh started over Troy Aikman for some reason. The Cowboys lost because they always lost back then.
- Southlake Carroll vs. Euless Trinity epic playoff game (was that crazy fake punt game, played in front of about 50,000 people, last year or the year before?)
- A Paul McCartney concert (tickets via scalper in the parking lot.)
- A Monday Night Football game in around 1993 or 1994. Not too memorable because I can't remember who they played or who won.
- A game in the early 1990s against the Kansas City Chiefs. I just remembered that I had a blind date. I don't think we ever went out again. She wasn't too bad.
- The1992 playoff game against the Eagles -- the first season that Jimmy Johnson led the Cowboys to the Superbowl. (Odd event: A group of about 12 of us, without game tickets, rented an RV and bought a parking ticket next two the stadium. My very good looking girlfriend then persuaded an attendant to let the two of us in the stadium during the game. There weren't any seats, but I saw a few minutes of the playoff win.)
- Bridgeport High School vs. Niceville, Florida on 9/29/00. Pics.
- Edit: Forgot watching Baylor vs. SMU in, I think, 1985.
- Edit: Forgot watching Eric Dickerson score for SMU against North Texas in 1981 or 1982.
- Edit: It's ridiculous that I left off one of the most amazing things I've ever seen: No. 9 Colorado 39, No. 3 Texas 37 on 12/1/01 (First game tickets I ever bought off Ebay.)
- Edit: I just remembered that I went to a Cowboys/Eagles game in 1987 during the NFL strike so the game was played with replacement players. The first Cowboy play was a reverse that I thought was a little cheezy.
Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

- I'd be scared to try to pull off a bank robbery because it seems like a lot of things would go wrong.
- Funny line from Raising Arizona. Robber: "All right, ya hayseeds, it's a stick-up. Everybody freeze. Everybody down on the ground." Customer: "Well, which is it, young feller? You want I should freeze or get down on the ground? Mean to say, if'n I freeze, I can't rightly drop. And if'n I drop, I'm a-gonna be in motion. You see..."
- I'm not sure I've ever heard of "freezing fog" until yesterday.
- As much as we get beaten down with "going green", I haven't heard any call to ban Christmas lights.
- The Fort Worth ISD Superintendent now makes $328,950. That's insane.
- Man, the Obama haters won't even give the man a chance. The man won fair and square (I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court didn't have to declare a winner in a 5-4 decision), but they've can't even wait for him to take office before the bashing starts.
- I have no desire to see the Twilight movie about vampires. And I've tried to watch the HBO's True Blood but I've had a little trouble getting into it.
- The Ticket spent a segment on why women think vampires are sexy. I'd never really thought about it.
- I'm buying a black cloak.
- I giggle when I see Santa in the middle of a nativity scene display. Very unstable.
- I've never really thought about the meaning of the word "nativity".
- There was a big story yesterday about a guy who got arrested after a child relative wrote a letter to Santa complaining of molestation. Before we hang him, would you want to be arrested based upon the facts contained in this affidavit as reproduced by The Smoking Gun? Anybody want to investigate those allegations before making an arrest?
- My hot sports opinion: The Cowboys won't reach the NFC Championship game.
- That "Real Wives Of [Insert Geographic Area]" is silly.
- I've got a pretty big and cool bathtub but I use it only once every two years or so.
- Come January 1, I will have worked at the same job for eight years and one day. That's will be a new record for me.
- Very random road thought: That merging of traffic from eastbound 380 to southbound 287 (that relatively new exit) is dangerous.
- Just got a "are you ok?" phone call. I laughed.
- That girl in the top pic reminds me of some celebrity.
Afternoon Pick Me Up

Random Political Thought

Another Reason To Look Forward to the Obama Presidency
I Can't Imagine
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

- Reporters on the side of the road now are required to wear yellow reflective vests per "federal regulations"? (That's what Fox 4 told me.)
- There is a lot of junk bought during Christmas-time
- If I'm driving down the road in freezing temperatures and it starts misting, I get pretty concerned in a hurry.
- Freezing to death would be near the top of my list on ways I don't want to go out.(And I've got a pretty long list.)
- Jeff Bolton of KLIF said at 6:30 this morning there had been "thousands of accidents [pause] . . . at least hundreds of accidents" in the metroplex this morning. When some radio talk show host fires off a statement of fact which I know that he is making up, I tend not to believe anything else that comes out of his mouth.
- I listen to him during the many, manycommercial breaks from The Ticket.
- Just got my first high def/internet bill and it was over $300. Ugh. But I think it includes two months as well as some installation charges.
- I'm a fan of gloves. I think gloves make all the difference in the world.
- I don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but I had never heard Robert Earl Keene's "Merry Christmas From The Family" until yesterday.
- Considering the uncomfortable "mexican" line in the song, I'm reminded that one of my friends is hispanic but he doesn't know any Spanish. I tell him he's in "heritage denial."
- I wonder what the percentage of mothers love their children more than their husband? I bet it shockingly high.
- Ted Nugent played the National Anthem on his guitar at the Cowboy's game on Sunday night. He didn't sing it, just played it. I don't think a liberal hippie could get away with that, but he can --- he kills animals with a bow which endears him to Texans everywhere.
- Rush Limbaugh showed up at the game, too. I heard him talking about it yesterday and how he had called a good friend before the weekend to find a good restaurant in Dallas. He's that concerned about food that he starts thinking about it days before his arrival.
- I'm not sure why far more than half of all my clients tell me the cops, upon a traffic stop, asked for their "license and registration."
- Being on a city council seems like one of the worst jobs that you can have.
- Have you seen the commercial for Jack FM where the goofy looking guy dances to different styles of music. I don't get it. He can't dance and he's not funny.
- Remember foster moms, don't have the baby of your foster son. The Bible and the Texas Penal Code say it's wrong.
- The fat guy showing his booty from Bridgeport yesterday that I posted? I thought that was a candid camera moment but I might have been wrong. If it was posed, I wouldn't have posted it.
- Alcohol seems to be at every event and every function.
- Congress decides not to bail out the car makers but the White House decides it'll use the previous financial institution bailout money to do so? I'm not sure I understand that three branches of government thingy anymore.
- I promise I'll get my funny mood back.
Man The Sand Trucks ---- It's That Time Of Year Again

Officially A Recession

Last Song To Be Played At Texas Stadium

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

- Whoever came up with the UCLA Underwear Run (pic above) was a Renaissance Man. Edit: Well this week just got better, there's video.
- I'm sleepy.
- I now feel pretty good that I missed the registration deadline for the White Rock Half Marathon. With that wind and that heat, it would have been a beating.
- Horrible that a 29 year old female and a newlywed died during the race. That kinda scares a man.
- The office Christmas party (not mine) always has the potential to be a wheels off event.
- The one I went to had 20 casino tables set up and everyone of them was full. Any question legalized gambling would work in Texas?
- Oddest sight: Guy dancing with a baby for almost an hour on the dance floor. Funniest overheard line about it: "I think that baby's drunk."
- Funnier sight: 1980s bouncy bounce dancing guy.
- The company president addressing the troops is awkward.
- Man, President Bush did a heck of a job ducking that thrown shoe.
- "Police were called out to Fair Park in Dallas Saturday after someone fired a gun into the crowd at Kwanzaa Fest." On KLIF this morning, Jeff Bolton said, "You wouldn't see that happen in Plano, so why does it happen in Fair Park?" The man is pushing it.
- T.O. was booed during introductions last night. It took a couple of years, but we're finally beginning to turn on him.
- What would be the most perfect job that didn't involve being a professional athlete?
- That step off of the roof onto a ladder is a very tense one.
- I missed the Heisman Trophy on Saturday night and I had no idea that former winner Billy Simms acted like a crazy man yelling "Boomer" about 10 times after the award winner was announced.
- Liberty Hill (who beat Bridgeport last week) lost to Celina in the next round, 40-12.