Dallas’ Parkland Memorial Hospital didn’t have to wait long to welcome the first baby of 2009 — a baby boy named Justin Daniel Ramirez arrived at 12:16 a.m.
Justin’s mom, a 15-year-old Dallas eighth-grader named Fernanda Rios, couldn’t stop smiling as she cradled her new son in her arms Thursday morning. “I was nervous at first about what my mom would say, but I told her I would try my best and she said okay,” Fernanda said.
Fernanda said she lives with her boyfriend, a 20-year-old construction worker, at her mom’s place, and said she plans to continue schooling as soon as her maternity leave is over. “I told the office that I was pregnant and they are going to home school me for six weeks,” she said. Teachers will come to her home two or three times a week during that period.
More (Edit: The story has been dramatically edited by the Dallas Morning News. But the comments over there, as expected, are running wild.)
Uh, the 20 year old father might want to keep this on the down-low since he committed a second degree felony.