The Swine Flu scare is one of the silliest things I've ever seen in my life. Absolutely one of the silliest.
- When Fort Worth ISD shut down "due to" the flu last night, some people consider it an official sanctioning of their need to panic. And many feel the situation must be much worse than we are being told. I don't believe that for a second. (Kind of fun to watch reactions here.)
- ABC News' Dr. Timothy Johnson greatly criticized the World Health Organization's statement of "All of humanity under threat." Preach on, bruther.
- I was more worried when I walked out of the old Outbreak movie a few years ago. (Hey females: Want to see a quick clip of Patrick Dempsey in the movie?)
- And the "Health Department" of the City of Fort Worth might consider hiring a spokesperson. That lady, pictured above, looks like she's ready to throw off the white jacket and head off to happy hour in that blouse.
- And she instilled no confidence whatsoever.
- And when she was asked if parents should keep their kids away from places "like Chuck E. Cheese" by a Fox 4 reporter, she said "absolutely." I could see Chuck E. Cheese officials across the metroplex spitting out their drinks at that moment.
- "Pigdemic" is a funny name.
- The Dallas Morning News web site has a "Swine Flu Survival Guide" link.
- If the Swine Flu could kill you in days like in the movie Outbreak, I'd be scared. But every "confirmed" case in the U.S. is just someone getting sick. Then better. (The death yesterday in Houston was some kid that had just came in from Mexico.)
- Is this true? The World Health Organization confirms only seven deaths in Mexico and not the 150+ their government is claiming?
- It's driving me crazy. Crazy, I tell ya!!!
- Sports Illustrated has come out with it's Top 25 for college football this fall. That's assuming we don't cancel the season this week.
- Edit: Stolen from the comments . . . "It's the Aporkalypse!"
- Ok, I wouldn't cheat you out of a Random Girl: