
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • I jogged this morning outside in the dark which is something I never do. That was kind of weird. And now I'm exhausted.
  • Arrested Development > The Office
  • Always be wary of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. First and foremost, he believes his primary official obligation is to get on TV.
  • The National Spelling Bee would be fun to watch. At least the last 15 minutes of it.
  • I still believe that local news broadcasts need to do more "where are they now?" segments.
  • I would love to be able to freeze time and then walk around.
  • During negotiations with a Wise County prosecutor yesterday in an impromptu public forum, I actually had to turn to another lawyer and say "you might want to butt out" because he/she kept making insane pro-State comments.
  • I've said this before, but police are trained to identify themselves in a tense situation as "PO-leece" so as not to be confused with "please". That is, "Stop, PO-leece" will not be confused as "Stop, please."
  • I'm rarely asked if I'm in a bad mood.
  • Maybe that means I appear to always be in a bad mood.
  • Isn't this HIV-Spreading criminal case a little weird? This one guy is able to infect what, eight women? Maybe more. When the news of AIDS first broke in the mid-1980s, the public was in panic because we believed it could be passed on as easily as the flu. Then we discovered that wasn't true. Now this guy makes us all rethink that.
  • And if it's true, why aren't there thousands of criminal cases like this?
  • The Wise County classifieds are beginning to fill up.
  • Just had a guy call me and asked me if I wanted to play golf this morning. Uh, yeah but no.