I posted a pic of this piece of art once but didn't disclose that I own it. - One of my favorite moments when I saw Santa walking down my street five years ago.
- When I got 51 comments on this post in 2005, I thought I had hit the big time. (And the subject matter still works to this day.)
- The famous Wise County Courthouse crab incident.
- When I found a video of a guy angry about his experience with the Walmart McDonalds.
- Craziest question I was ever asked in the Wise County Courthouse.
- My first pics of the "Nazi Van" which was always near the now illegal camera in Rhome that took pics of speeders.
- The sappiest movie quote that I love.
- Hey, now. (Circa 2007)
- I questioned the Drudge Report on a story and I turned out to be wrong.
- Wow, I got a little sappy
- Two guys doing the Charlie Brown Christmas Special dance that I thought was funny but no one else did.
- A Bridgeport tragedy
- Funny video of Bridgeport mom being run over by Pee Wee football team.
- When the City of Decatur moved around Christmas decorations after a blog post.