Constable Protest?
As you probably read in the Messenger, Wise County's constables wanted a pay raise. Specifically, "Precinct 1 constable Tom Bishop and Precinct 2 constable Leonard Denney requested their salaries be increased from $32,000 to between $45,000 and $48,000." Precinct 4 constable Kevin Huffman and Precinct 3 constable Doug Parr also wanted a raise but the article is silent as to how much. According to the Update, those requests have been denied.
But I'm hearing a very uncomfirmed report that, in light of the decision denying the raise, one or more of the constables have removed the "official striping" from their cars. Once again, this is triple uncomfirmed, but if anyone can provide any information, do so.
(And try to avoid personal attacks on the elected officials. I'm feeling nice today.)