
Possible News

Small plane crash in Wise County? Since the comments don't work, any info at blog2@wisecounty.com . Edit: Wow. Story. (Comments still are the blink.) Edit: A faithful reader who wishes to remain anonymous emails: Around 2:40 I actually saw the plane flying very low and slightly out of control heading west of Rhome ( not Ft. Worth bound). I had a gut feeling something was very wrong. I heard a pop - not a crash. I called 911 and later met up with county sheriffs and found the plane had hit a small stock tank. (the pop I bet) and slid onto land. There were 4 older men ( from ft worth) all were alive. 2 careflighted and 2 ground. Thank the Lord they were alive. Major Edit: The following is not yet comfirmed. Got word that Wise County attorney Kendall Hill might have been injured in the crash. Edit: Fox 4 says the plane was registered to Fort Worth "oil man" Robert Schumacher who was one of the passengers. No other names were mentioned.