
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • When radio DJs used to say, for example,"We'll take the 97th caller for a chance to win [something]" did they just take the first caller after waiting a while, or did they actually reject 96 people before taking the 97th call.
  • I recorded that Jersey show on MTV last night but haven't watched it yet.
  • The SMU student that was kidnapped and raped may have been the victim of illegal aliens. Once that news broke, the Dallas Morning News had to shut down comments on a story.
  • Since I got so much heat over (what I thought) was a light hearted post over a nativity scene at the courthouse, I went back and researched some Supreme Court opinions on the Establishment Clause. I thought it was funny that the following phrase was used in the lead opinion: "Perhaps in the early days of the Republic these words were understood to protect only the diversity within Christianity, but today they are recognized as guaranteeing religious liberty and equality to 'the infidel, the atheist, or the adherent of a non-Christian faith such as Islam or Judaism.'"
  • Taylor Swift bought a hair straightener thingy. Not bad.
  • Isn't there a huge difference in not believing in global warming and not believing global warming is caused by carbon emissions?
  • It's tough out there: A big Dallas law firm slashes first year lawyer salaries to $120,000.
  • I unexpectedly saw a girlfriend from 15 years ago yesterday. That's so much fun when that happens.
  • Lots of people with sins as large as Tiger Woods sure are throwing stones at him.
  • We are supposed to have faith in Wade Phillips when he dresses like this?
  • I'm going to be in Costa Rica during the National Championship game. And the closest town has no paved roads. This is gonna be tricky trying to find a TV.
  • I've got a 911 tape from Decatur PD sitting on my desk. I love the anticipation before I listen to those things.
  • I think I saw Christina Aguilera in a commercial the other day. I've missed her ever since she dropped out of sight to become a Baby Momma.