I Hope There Is More To This Story

"I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow. "

"I've Got A Feeling ..."

Pressing Question From Email Bag

Random Friday Morning Thoughts
Motorcycle craziness: Last night a guy tries to pass a truck on an entrance ramp from the George Bush Turnpike to the North Dallas Tollway, strikes the side cement guard, and his female passenger flies off the bike and over the side of the ramp landing 65 feet below. Oh, my. Her condition is unknown.
- John Madden retirement thought #1: The guy has always driven me nuts having become nothing but a caricature of himself. But if someone does anything for 30 years, that automatically happens.
- Madden thought #2: Someone pointed out that he never used sarcasm. I'm not sure he was sharp enough to use sarcasm.
- Madden thought #3: I caught a replay of a game on the NFL Network that Madden did about 10 years ago. It's amazing how much energy he's lost over the years. Ten years ago he was yelling the tiresome cliches of "This is as good as it gets! This is what it''s all about!" as the kickoff happened
- Madden thought #4: I wonder how much he has made simply by licensing his name to the Madden NFL video game.
- Edit: Extra Madden thought -- I didn't know he had about $12 million and three years left on his contract.
- President Barack Obama and his wife earned $2.73 million last year and paid $855,323 in federal taxes for 2008.
- Thunder is good.
- I really debated about posting the rump shaking video from yesterday. I just couldn't resist.
- Saw someone mention yesterday they are already sick of Susan Boyle of Britain's Got Talent. True that.
- I stumbled across The Jerry Springer Show last night. You know, I think he would get bored with guests coming on stage and fighting each other. Then again, pay me enough and I would happily host it. It'd be more fun that Wheel Of Fortune.
- Teach your kids that Jesus loves them and about racial stereotypes.
- Youtube has added full length movies and TV shows. Most of them are bad.Very bad.
- Fifty year old mother (of the year) has surgery so she can look like daughter. Not bad. May she be a role model to all mothers out there.
- Every time I see an old episode of Arrested Development on TV I stop down.
- And to all of you emailers that sent me the story of "High School Cheer Coach Fired After Posing Nude" -- why do you think I'd possibly be interested in that? Oh, yeah.
- Wise County drug connection?
I'm Insane Now

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

- That water looks nasty.
- I'm not a hamburger guy, but everyone is talking about "Five Guys Burgers and Fries" which has opened in the Southlake Town Center.
- The Tea Party in Decatur was pretty interesting. But they didn't get the memo that it was supposed to be a non-partisan affair since the Obama bashing was front and center.
- And the first speaker, who seemed to be a very nice lady, spent a lot of time advocating "putting God back in school." That's a bit ironic since it was supposed to be an anti-big government rally and she was supporting government mandating religion in locally controlled schools.
- And there was a funny moment when sirens could be heard in the background and one of the protestors yelled, "They are coming for us!"
- Another funny moment was when one of the speakers supported term limits by saying, "We have them now! Vote out the incumbents after two terms regardless of who is running against them!" The very conservative assistant DA standing beside me mumbled, "I don't know about that."
- Remember Northwest softball star Britney Barnhill? In her sophomore year at The Evil Empire, she is 20-9 with a 2.73 ERA --- the best on the team.
- I've never cared much for the Rolling Stones, but I never get tired of listening to the opening of Gimme Shelter (but it's that female vocalist in the chorus that makes the song.)
- I discovered there's a free "ink edition" of dfw.com which is basically an entertainment section of the Star Telegram (although I have no idea if it is associated with the paper). Man, it's great. And edgy.
- Crazy hypothetical thought: If Texas voted to secede from the U.S., would the U.S. send in military or let us go? (Side note: Rick Perry played the Tea Party bit very well.)
- The confederate flag made an appearance at the Tea Party in Burleson. Incredible.
- OK, I'm done with Tea Party Talk.
- I'll say it again: The documentary Thrilla in Manila currently being shown on HBO is absolutely great.
- Is Seth Rogen in every comedy these days?
- I remember one morning in the 1990s that there was a line of people in Decatur 100 yards long waiting to buy the newest Beanie Babies. (Very funny video of that silly craze here.)
- I've not posted some comments that attack another commentor's kids.
Shout Out

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

- We've now got a "Border Czar." Note: If your job description has "Czar" in it, odds are you're in charge of a problem that can't be solved.
- Last week I mentioned I wasn't sold on the Rangers after their 3-0 start and now they've lost five straight. (I've got a friend that claims I have the ability to jinx any team.)
- I like the terms "minx" and "vixen."
- I like the Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy but he's going to catch grief for writing today that "State's Rights" is "a quaint throwback to the segregation era."
- Does every media outlet have to play "Tax Man" by the Beatles today?
- Saw a longtime female defendant up at the courthouse yesterday who looked a little chunky. Courthouse personnel conclusion: She must finally be off the dope.
- Shocked to hear that a 30 year employee at the courthouse in the maintenance department was let go. There has to be a story behind that.
- I think I've filed a tax extension on this day every year of my working life.
- I'm never interested in celebrity divorces.
- Someone yelled at me in the comments last week because I revealed the ending of a documentary. At first I thought it was a silly criticism -- should I not be able to reveal the ending of a documentary, say, about the Civil War? -- but if you don't know, you don't know.
- I don't know who Michael Irvin's partner is on his radio show, but that guy is the most annoying person ever.
- I'm currently reading Jesus, Interrupted. Fascinating.
- I really don't listen to that much music, but I can't avoid that "Poker Face" song.
- Dear My Dentist In Bridgeport: I've got a developing situation. Please work me into your schedule today when I call.
- The Cowboys released their schedule yesterday so I started thinking about planning one of my football road trips. In November Dallas plays at Green Bay and the day before Michigan plays at the University of Wisconsin. That would work.
- Blogging flashback: You think this guy is regretting buying two high priced condos in Dallas?
While You Were Sleeping
On 4/14/09 at approximately 9:25 p.m. a group of motorcycles was traveling northbound on W. Loop 820 South approaching I-30. Two riders accelerated ahead of the group then slowed down. Two more riders accelerated ahead of the main group and came upon the first two that had slowed down. One of the riders was not able to slow down enough to avoid striking the rear of another motorcycle. That rider (26 year old black male) was ejected from his bike and died at the scene from the injuries that he sustained. The other rider (37 year old black male) of the motorcycle that he struck was transported to Harris Hospital and listed in stable condition. Both of the involved riders were wearing helmets and it is unknown at this time if alcohol or drugs were involved.
(Thanks emailer)
Viva La Revolution: And Rick Perry Shall Lead Us

Well I'll Be
Talking Baby Daddies and Baby Mommas

- 40% of all births in 2007 were out of wedlock.
- Random thought: "wedlock" is a funny word.
- That's an amazing 25% increase in the last five years
- The race breakdown in terms of percentage of all births is White: 25%, Hispanic: 51%, and Black: 72%
Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

- Odd baseball thought: Was there ever a time when the umpire, after a foul ball, would throw a new ball out to the pitcher instead of handing it to the catcher?
- If you could have bad memories erased from your 'noggin, would you?
- Over the weekend I watched the new documentary on HBO called "Thrilla In Manila" about the final Ali/Frazier fight. If you can remember those times in boxing, you'll absolutely love it.
- And remember how hard it was to get information back then? After a championship fight, you were lucky if the local sports would tell you the result. Photos or, heaven forbid, video was out of the question
- One more thought: The day after the fight, my down-the-street-neighbor, Bud Vinson, and I were playing football in the street. When the evening edition of the Star-Telegram was thrown, we ran over to it to read about the fight. I remember a pic of a battered Joe Frazier and felt awful for him.
- I'm OK now.
- Funny exchange at the courthouse yesterday: Person A: "They are getting crazier and are almost impossible to deal with." Person B: "Who? The inmates or the DA's office?"
- Funny exchange #2 in discussing a secure place to keep a firearm: Person A: "Do you have a gun case?" Person B: "No, it was dismissed." Person A: "Huh?"
- The Rangers have changed the Dot Race from showing it on a video screen to three guys in Dot outfits running around the field. That's funny. Edit: Fox 4 did a bit on it last week.
- I'll occasionally stumble upon the Dr. Phil show. It sucks the life force out of me like nobody's business.
- The Shooting Of The Pirates (I'm going to trademark that phrase) was absolutely amazing based upon the ABC News graphic re-creation. (But I don't buy for a second that they shot because they feared the captain was in imminent danger at that very second. They shot because there was an open shot. But I really don't have a problem with that.)
- I can only think that baseball attendance will continue to fall. With more and more people able to sit comfortably in their homes watching in HD (if they care to watch at all), the whipping of driving to the game seems less and less appealing.
- Attendance at last night's Ranger game: 12,184. Eek. That's the "smallest crowd for a scheduled game in Rangers Ballpark in Arlington history."
- Trifecta death yesterday: Harry Kalas (who I considered the new voice of NFL films), ex-Tigers phenom Mark Fidrych (he talked to the baseball on the mound) and Marilyn Chambers (the greatest actress of her generation.)
- Guy gets handsy at The Masters last weekend. You can't do that!
- Hot girl. A krillion pics. Same pose. Every time. Here. (I don't know why, but I feel the need to warn that that the "B" word appears in the first few seconds.) But it can't be real. Can it?
Got a report of a big accident on 287 outside of Decatur. All I know is that there are emergency sirens firing off all over the place.
Anybody know anything?
Edit: A fire at the Dairy Queen?
Random Monday Morning Thoughts

- The new presidential dog, Bo, is from Wise County? Yep. Edit: Boyd to be exact.
- It's almost impossible to watch a golf tournament on TV because I get beaten down with some spare guy yelling, "Get in the hole!"
- Master's thought: I felt sorry for the Kenny Perry blowing the lead, and I liked the crazy look of Japanese golfer Shingo Katayama.
- Question in Parade magazine: Who takes care of OJ Simpson's kids while he is in prison? No one. They are now 23 and 20.
- You can't blame a reporter for referring to Montague County as "mont-a-gyou" since that's probably the way it should be pronounced.
- The shooting of the pirates sounds more exciting than most action movies. Edit: I just heard the surviving pirate is 16 years old. Really?
- The "feel good" video of the day yesterday came from a British show involving Simon Cowell.
- One of the best things about Easter is seeing little kids all dressed up.
- Ann Curry's twitter page makes her even more annoying. And I didn't think that was possible.
- Step Brothers didn't do much for me. There were a couple of funny moments, but that's about it.
- Yesterday my mom gave me an incredible scrap book of newspaper clippings from my years as DA in the 1990s. It's amazing. I had no idea she kept all that stuff.
- Kurt Cobain has a son (or so a TV show casually mentioned yesterday)?
- The new Hannah Montana movie was #1 at the box office over the weekend. That kid just prints money.
- I saw someone's foundation being repaired over the weekend. I don't think I've ever seen that before, and it looked like a total beating.
- The most confusing Google Street View shot ever. (Thanks, Keith.)
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