Greetings From Fayetteville (While I Should Have Stayed Home To See the Bridgeport/Decatur Game)

- I couldn't resist the temptation of doing something I've wanted to do for a while: See an Arkansas Razorback game in the Fall
- I think it's beautiful up here in the hills, but it was dark when I drove in so I'll tell you tomorrow.
- Why do I do this? I have a football stadium fetish.
- I'm staying in a new Candlewood Inn which is pretty dang nice.
- On the hotel elevator, one guy was telling another guy that his wife has an elevator/claustrophobia issue. He said that once, in a crowded situation, "we had to wait an hour until the elevator was empty before she would get on it." His buddy and I both looked at him like he was nuts for putting up with that.
- As I was driving up, I passed the NASCAR race in north Fort Worth, saw all the campers, and said out loud, "You guys are freakin' nuts." Then it dawned on me that that I was driving six hours for a college football game that I have no connection to.
- The game is on Channel 21 tomorrow at the very odd start time of 11:21 a.m.
- I love my GPS device. Truly, I typed in the address of my hotel, left Texas, and never looked at a map. When it tells you to turn, you turn.
- And I leave town and Bridgeport beats Decatur with a TD pass with 42 seconds left? 24-21. Holy cow. (Decatur led 21-0)
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

- The Ft. Hood shooter ending up being alive was a shocking development, but Sean Hannity on Fox News read the bulletin like he was reading his grocery list.
- On 287 yesterday afternoon, I saw three big military vehicles pulled off to the side of the road with about 12 soldiers out of the vehicles -- some on cell phones. I'm sure they had heard about the shooting and were trying to get info.
- You knew the Redneck Panic Meter would go off the chart once it was learned that the shooter's name didn't sound 'merican.
- The shooter's family says that he had been hurt by being called a "camel jockey" by fellow soldiers.
- Killeen now has two huge mass killings on the list of America's worst. (Although I couldn't find the list.) The other was the killing of 23 people at a Luby's in 1991.
- Judge Andrew Napolitano, the consultant to Fox News, is either reckless with the truth or an idiot. He said this morning that Texas law requires "planning" and "premeditation" on the part of a defendant before he can be sentenced to death for capital murder. That's simply wrong.
- This tragedy will add to the Texas I-35 Trail of Tears list: Dallas (JFK assassination) to Waco (Branch Davidians) to Killeen (the Luby's mass murder/Ft. Hood) to Jarrell (tornado) to Austin (the UT Tower shooting) to San Antonio (the Alamo.)
- The Fox 4 morning weather guy says the temperature gauge in Decatur is messed up (reading too high) and he's going to start ignoring it until it gets fixed.
- Weird pet peeve: Someone saying something so outrageous that it is obviously a joke but then feeling the need to follow it up with "just kidding."
- Crazy Texas Tech coach Mike Leach made a cameo on Friday Night Lights. Pretty funny.
- Just announced this morning: The unemployment rate has now reached 10.2% Somehow that is going to be Obama's fault.
- Those apartments in Decatur on College Street that burned earlier this year? They are actually rebuilding them instead of tearing the structure down and starting over.
- Think I'm the only one that thinks baseball is a beating? Out of 56 TV markets, DFW ranked 53rd in viewership of the World Series.
Real News

Allow Me To Rant

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

- The TABC raid of the gay friendly Rainbow Lounge in Fort Worth has lead to a ton of knee jerk reactions. How far has it gone? A city-sponsored diversity task force recommended yesterday that city insurance cover sex-change operations.
- Our Sheriff had a 5 pound 14 ounce bundle of joy yesterday. Well, his wife had the baby.
- The Yankees win the world series with nine players who make over $10 million a year and a total payroll over $200 million. And this is supposed to be a competitive sport? You baseball fans are crazy.
- The serial killer I mentioned yesterday now has a body count up to 11.
- I'm looking forward to Sarah Palin's book tour. There's no way she won't say something crazy.
- In my endless journey to attend football stadiums, I thought about seeing an Arkansas game in Fayetteville this weekend. Except there is no easy way to get to Fayetteville.
- And the fact that the Decatur County Court at Law scheduled hearings for late Friday afternoon didn't help my planning schedule.
- Whataburger in Decatur now has some drive through traffic go to the outside lane where an employee will come out, deliver your food, take your money, go back inside, and come back with change. That beats me down and makes me feel compelled to tip.
- Motorcycle death yesterday. Cooler weather = more bikers = more of these stories.
- Saw a lawyer at a driver's license hearing in Fort Worth yesterday who had no idea what he was doing. And I see him in Decatur from time to time.
- Huge Wise County employer Devon had a tough third quarter: They saw net income fall to half a billion dollars. Did I say half a billion? Yes. Yes, I did.
- Two actresses I love that haven't had any fun girl roles lately: Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson.
- Runaway Bay officers arrested a 17 year old yesterday for cussing. Yep, cussing. He spent the night in the Wise County Jail.
- In 2002, Troy Aikman was called during halftime of a game he was broadcasting and offered the job of quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles. Really.
Limited Interest

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

- A mass murderer flying under the media radar: 10 bodies have been found in and around a sex offender's home within the last week. I may a couple of references to Jeffrey Dahmer and look what happens.
- Man, Fox News was giddy last night about a spare Republican winning a spare Governor's race in Virginia saying it was an indicator that "America was rejecting Obama's policies." Puhleeze. It's Virginia.
- And the GOP did lose a Congressional seat in New York. That might be a little more important.
- Dirk had 29 points in the 4th quarter last night. Don't care.
- Matthew McConaughey is 40 today. Hear that ladies? 40.
- I'm pretty sure this most boring trial in the history of ever is going on in the District Court in Decatur right now. Something about whether a bridge is public or private and whether the county should be responsible for maintaining it.
- I just look at the lawyers involved in that case and wonder if that's what they envisioned for their lives.
- Not much noise about the Bridgeport/Decatur game this year.
- Still not sure about the new Fox 4 Good Day girl.
- When the news reports that constitutional amendments "passed with flying colors" what exactly does "with flying colors" mean?
- There are always wet/dry alcohol elections to legalize the sale of the stuff, but is there ever an election to convert a wet city to a dry city?
- Weird: Three college softball players go star gazing and end up drowned in a pond in their vehicle.
- Awkward moment when a little kid decided to run beside me in a park two days ago while I jogged. What should be a refreshing and cute moment was ruined as I feared his parents were watching him with concern because he was running alongside a stranger. Cute kid though. Looked like a little Forrest Gump whose leg braces had just fallen off.
- More on the death of plaintiff's lawyer John O'Quinn who died in a traffic accident after missing a flight: "O’Quinn called . . . at around 7 a.m. to say he was on his way [to the airport] and to ask [fellow Plaintiff's lawyer] Christian to see if Southwest Airlines would hold the flight for him." Really? Hold a flight because you are running late?
- The Jacksboro Sheriff's Office have a "Search and Seizure Sergeant"? Not so sure about that.
- A jury in Fort Worth is struggling in the guilt/not guilt phase of a capital murder trial. Used to be, if the State wanted the death penalty they would get it. Now they struggle with even getting a conviction.
- Junior Miller on The Ticket yesterday described his running of the New York City marathon on Sunday. Man, that sounds like a great experience.
Bonds. School Bonds.

You're All Out Of Order!

What The Heck Is That Thing For?

Local Halloween Flavor

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

Foreigner (that's a band from the World War II era) was on Fox's 4 Good Day this morning. I saw them the only time I was outside of the Today Show studio one morning in New York. Amazingly, not that bad.
- The story from last week about the clerk who stole the $1 million lottery ticket from the man keeps getting stranger. But I didn't know the victim's name was "Willis Willis."
- I power down when I hear someone do a Forrest Gump impersonation.
- Update on the Florida player that was trying to gouge the other player's eyes out that I posted yesterday: He has been suspended by the coach for 1/2 of the next game against Vanderbilt.
- This is my favorite time of year to run outside. Great weather. Trees changing. Girlfriend in my closet.
- I'm told the World Series is going on, and I'm told the Phillies have won two games when they have started pitcher Cliff Lee. Do you know who the Rangers shelled in the first game of the year for seven runs in five innings? Yep, Cliff Lee. (h/t Richie Whitt)
- It'll be interesting to see if this actually turns into a controversy: A hawt Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader goes to a Halloween Party as Lil' Wayne complete with black face. (Although she looks more like she got stuck in a tanning bed.) Edit: Better pics.
- I always forget about The Comedy Channel.
- I represented someone yesterday who accepted a plea bargain for six years in the pen after he had been free while on bond. There's nothing worse than seeing a client taken into custody. (He wasn't eligible for probation and faced a maximum of 20 years).
Traffic Chaos
287 is at a standstill in Decatur. I interviewed with a witness who said, "It's the dangest thing I've ever seen."
I'm launching the Liberally Lean Tele-Chopper to find out.
Or someone could chime in and tell us.
Random Monday Morning Thoughts

- The First Baptist of Dallas is building a new $130 million 3,000 seat sanctuary in downtown Dallas. Those fellowship churches are making it hard to keep up with the Jones'.
- Eye gouge the weekend in a college football game.
- I'm convinced Texas, after killing OSU, will be in the National Championship game, and TCU may be having their best season ever that no one cares about.
- Moonwalk fail. This made me laugh.
- Last night I dreamed I was at the White House and sat by Sarah Palin (???) who accused me of stealing her old Polaroid camera. The the dream evolved into my "got to get to class but don't know my schedule" dream.
- The ladies at my cleaners are now asking me questions regarding legal advice. Sheesh.
- Two motorcycle deaths over the weekend -- but that's the first time I've heard of any in a couple of months.
- NBA player swats a bat out of the air on Halloween. What?
- Odd pet peeve of mine: Those that end every blog post with "But what the hell do I know?" or "I could be wrong."
- My Halloween costume was a straight jacketed mental patient. It was a good look.
- The Cowboys Stadium had its huge end zone doors open but not the roof yesterday -- apparently Jerry didn't want the sun beating down on the crowd. (From The Ticket this morning: "It's kind of like ordering the sun roof option for your car that you never really use."
Kids Today
I mentioned this a couple of days ago -- I stumbled upon a high school football game on TV and came across the most awkward of halftime presentations.
Ron Burgundy
I may be the only person to find this funny, but I loved the Newy Scruggs layout while Mike Snider does his annoying Anchor Man Small Talk.
Sheriff's Report
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