Barry (from iPhone)
Edit: Star-Telegram story.
One major comedic source is Barney's lack of ability with a firearm. After numerous misfires (usually a Colt or Smith & Wesson M&P .38 caliber revolver), Sheriff Andy Taylor restricts Barney to carrying only a single bullet in his shirt pocket, "in case of an emergency."Lordy, I feel old.
19 years ago, Tricia Armstrong called me and said, "you should watch Channel 8 Dale Hansen........he has a segment called THANK GOD FOR KIDS."19 years ago I started watching the segment every Christmas without fail. Each year, the THANK GOD FOR KIDS segment put a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. This year has been extremely tough for my family beginning in June, as my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. Shortly there after, my father's health begin declining and I sat with him at the hospital for a month. He passed away July 26, 2009. My best friend, my go to on decisions I thought were good or not, and more importantly the best dad anyone could ever ask for. Supportive in every possible way, a father that I want to be. I can remember telling my dad I wanted to run for Sheriff...he said "hell David, politics is a tough game.." He was right, but he and my Mom jumped right in and here we are. With the help of all of you!
As we were working on getting my Mom situated and ready for chemotherapy, it was all of you, which I call my friends that helped me push through all the heartbreaks. August 8, 2009 my Grandmother passed away. This was my Dad's mother. Twelve days to be exact from the death of my Dad. Again, all of you pushed me and my family through yet another tough time.
Things started to change for all of us with the birth of my beautiful daughter Addison DeAnn Walker. Some of you know that for years I have wanted my own child, and a family to go home to at night. I dreamed of raising a child, just as my Dad raised me. When Addison was born on November 4th, I had my fathers picture with me, my mother was close by, as was the in-laws and other family and friends. I looked at the clock at 1:52p.m. that November day and the second hand had stopped on the clock! A true meaning that my life had changed forever, and my Dad watching on from above. There is no other feeling than the instant love that boils over, as I held Addy for the first time ever. Some of you can relate I am sure, and can say "thank god for kids." I am very fortunate for have a loving wife as Christi is a part of me. She has brought me everything I have ever wanted. Having a son that has a heart of gold, and a nephew which I call my brother, and a daughter that smiles and loves her daddy already. Even though she can't say it yet, her daddy will tell her a thousand times a week. It was very important to me to be thankful for my parents and make sure they knew I loved them. I told them all the time. When my father was in the hospital, the last thing I said to him was "rest good Dad, I will see you tomorrow, and I love you!"
Addison has been a breath of fresh air to my mother, as she is now cancer free, a breath of fresh air to push me forward and raise her like my Dad raised me. She is just perfect! As we as a family go through the first Christmas without my Dad, I do so with the vision down the road. Not only the vision of my family at home, but the vision of the department. Being extremely happy with where we are as a department and happy that we have the crew that we do, which looks forward. We are definitely the best department around. It is not a result of me, its not a result of Doug, its not a result of any single person, it is a result of all of us working together. For all you do, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am a better man because of all of you, I am a better Sheriff because of all of you.
I have attached the link to Thank God For Kids 2009. This year it is especially meaningful, with all we have been through. Dad would be proud of baby Addy! Listen to the message that Dale ends with, hug your kids, kiss your loved ones (as I just did), and remember that message he ends with. Live life for today!
Thank you all for everything on and off duty!
Have a very Merry Christmas