- One guy in the Rainbow Lounge raid is being prosecuted for the Class C offenses (punishable by fine only) of Public Intoxication and Assault by Offensive Contact. I sort of believe a little traffic court prosecutor is about to get in over his/her head.
- Did I read a few weeks back that the United Way of Wise County did not reach its fund raising goal this year? Has that ever happened before? I'm I dreaming this?
- I had no idea the Chico port-o-potty post would blow up like it did. This blog is like throwing darts and hoping I hit something.
- I actually watched some of the Health Care Summit yesterday. Amazingly, everyone acted very civilly. (But twice I noticed that Senators praised Texas as a model of tort reform.)
- Kevin Smith's new movie Cop Out looks horrible. Based upon his recent work, I'm beginning to believe Clerks and Chasing Amy were flukes.
- I had some buddies say the Random Girls are too "enhanced" and that I should designate Friday as "Natural Friday." Naaaaa.
- Sports News: The free agent rules for the NFL are kind of complicated. But the Cowboys are expected to allow Miles Austin to become a restricted free agent which means they will pay him $3.168 million next season. Here's the catch: He can leave for a better offer if the team making that offer is also willing to give Dallas a 1st and 3rd round draft pick. I guess the Cowboys think no one would do that.
- That SeaWorld killer whale death was horrible. He simply drowned that poor girl to death.
- I guess I didn't have to put "to death" at the end of that last sentence.
- Somehow I've gained weight. I just had one of those "I'm Going To Fix That" moments this morning which means I'm about to become obsessed with my diet and running -- even more that I already am.
- I've got some weeds in my yard that kind of look like clovers. How do they stay buried under snow for four four days and still survive?
- "Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you." - Erich Fromm (1. I have no idea why I was sucked in by a sappy saying, but I saw it yesterday on Facebook and it made me think. 2. I have no idea who Erich Fromm is.)
- 380 was shut down this morning between Denton and Decatur. Doesn't impact me, but it might you.