
Election Night Open Thread

I should have thought about this sooner.

GOP going to gain the House? The Senate (not a chance)?

Is the Tea Party going to slap us back to old school values?

The Republican wave going to take over Dallas County and send DA Watkins packing? Edit: Early voting showed Straight Ticket Democrats with 52% to the Republicans 48%. That's all you need to know. (And a glimpse into the future of the country as the demographics continue to change.) Double edit: Sheesh, when I got down to the actual votes,  Watkins was trailing (but by less than 1%). Triple edit @ 9:47: Man, the now Democratic Dallas County vs. the Anti-Obama turnout is making the DA's race and every judge's race neck and neck with about 70% of the vote in.

Wise County, uh, JP race? Early voting: Mandy Hopkins Hays (472) Ken Murray (140)
-Alcohol votes? Early voting (with the smallest sample in the history of ever): Chico liquor sales: For (7) Against (8). Paradise liquor sales: For (3) Against (9)

Edit: Final vote in Chico: For - 103. Against - 72.
Edit: Final vote in Paradise: For - 37. Against - 46.
(Just as I predicted this morning.)

Edit: For the record. Fox News projected that the Republicans had gained control of the Sentate at 8:13 p.m. Then they turned to Sarah Palin who called it an "earthquake."