Sure, Let Me Write You A Check For $179,000

My Dirty Family Truckster Has Been Vandalized!!!!
In The White HizzHouse

Emergency Room Bill Updated At Bottom. Current Total: $4,476.83

Random Friday Morning Thoughts
The lady who was shot in East Dallas yesterday morning looks to be the victim of a "hit". It was crazy: Man comes out of no where after she drops her kid off for school and guns her down. She drove a BMW (if that matters), and her husband was killed in Mexico last year.
- Somebody at the Messenger was up in the middle of the night to cover a wreck on 287 via photographs. They they even put it on the Update at 5:10 a.m. Has to be a coincidence. No one is getting out of bed to cover a generic wreck.
- Regarding the guy who was sentenced yesterday to 8 years in prison for DWI: If we just separate him from alcohol then he's the same as you and me, right? Is the only way to accomplish that to put him in a cage?
- I'm really liking the book Game Change. I had forgotten how far Obama trailed Hillary Clinton (by 33 pooints) in the early stages of the campaign.
- Looks like the Muhammad Ali impersonating Lady Bear basketball player will be suspended for two games.
- Irving is going to open the "red" parking lot to the public when Texas Stadium is imploded. I think I'll go. It comes down on April 13th.
- I flip over to WBAP sometimes during the many commercial breaks from The Ticket in the morning. Have they retired the horribly unfunny character "Sam from Sales?"
- I've never had an interest in American Idol. Don't we have enough generic pop singers in this world?
- Did you know you'll be moving your clocks forward one hour next weekend? Doesn't that seem a little quick?
- Heard this morning regarding the concept of prayer: "God is not Santa Claus."
- The #1 Google image search yesterday was "Jesus Arm Wrestling With Satan?"
- According to a story in the Star-Telegram today, every lake in the Trinity River Basin is full. Except Lake Bridgeport.
- It's always bugged me that the sign before the bridge in Runaway Bay says, "Bridgeport Lake."
Legal News From Across The State

Verdict In DWI-Felony Case

Random Thursday Morning Thoughts

- My continuous pet peeve: Ads disguised as news stories. I think I saw two this morning on Fox 4. There was a "story" about Starbucks having a new 32 ounce drink and one about Pappasitos opening up at DFW airport.
- There was a brawl last night at the Tech/Baylor women's basketball game. I'm looking for the video but it sounds like a Baylor gal started it. Certainly it was justified. Has to be. Edit: Video. That girl is gonna get suspended.
- Testimony in Decatur court yesterday: There are 2,100 people on probation in Wise County. (With each of them paying $60 a month in probation fees, that's a lot of cash.)
- There's a business which allows you to text any question to them and they'll give you an answer for a $1? Who would be dumb enough to do that?
- Someone in the comments referred to the four restaurants that burned on Greenville Avenue as "beer joints." Uh, get out of Wise County much?
- Heard the craziest story yesterday at the courthouse of a functionally mentally retarded guy grabbing a midget Jehovah Witness solicitor off his doorstep and holding him two days in the closet because he thought he was an actual troll. I'm trying to get the details but that's insanely funny. Edit: Mzchief schools me in the comments.
- Sarah Palin wants the media to respect her family's privacy so much that now she's trying to get a reality show. Her 15 minutes are about up.
- The controversy over the kids being allowed to say a few commands as an air traffic controller (as his dad watched over him and told them what to say) is no controversy at all. But the Today Show has led with that story for two days in a row.
- That $53 million verdict against Perry Homes has received no news coverage whatsoever. I don't understand that.
- The contestants on Wheel Of Fortune always guess the puzzle before me. And with all the technology in the world, is there any job less necessary that Vanna White's?
- I want to see Palo Duro Canyon. But I don't want to drive there.
Courthouse News
A jury convicted a man of Felony-DWI today --- meaning he drove while intoxicated after having been convicted at least two times before of DWI.
I checked on it and they are in the jury sentencing phase now. The options are 2 to 10 years in prison and then the decision as to whether the sentence should be probated.
Edit: The defense lawyers are Jack Duffy and another guy (who has taken 99% of the lead) who I do not know. Both are out of Fort Worth.
Same Old. Same Old.

Last Week's Pro Golf Tournament Won . . . .

Random Wednesday Morning Thoughts

- Everyone I know doesn't like Rick Perry, but then he goes and pulls off an amazing win without a runoff when challenged by a popular sitting senator and a relatively popular Tea Party advocate.
- Texas Monthly said don't count him out for a run for the presidency in 2012. I wouldn't either. (And if you heard his victory speech, he sounded like he was already running.)
- Locally, I thought Paul Wood would beat Terry Ross. It was a close race, but I was certainly wrong about that.
- Those five propositions on the Republican ballot were just weird.
- I was sad to see District Clerk Cristy Fuqua lose the district clerk's bid. She's not a politician --- just a sweet and quiet lady who always does her job.
- I knew some folks that worked hard for the opponents of the DA in Tarrant and Denton County. But both incumbents won easily.
- The incumbent DA in Kaufman County, who was arrested for DWI in Dallas about a year ago, is headed for a runoff.
- Some people gripe about JP Terri Johnson, who won re-election last night, but I've never had any trouble with her. And if you want to see a lady who was relieved of stress, take a look at her picture today in the Messenger.
- Speaking of politics, I've started reading Game Change.
- Weird story in the Messenger today about a former employee suing the Wise County Tax Office for wrongful termination. Not sure why it's news now since the lawsuit was filed in November. But I found it odd that the Tax Assessor Collector said he was aware of the litigation. Edit: I'm told that the lawsuit was filed but no one was ever served.
Wise County Election Results
I'm stringing together a source who will give me up to date returns. Early results should be first. (Although this may be a failed bit.)
Last updated: 9:16 pm
County Judge (Final)
Billy McElhaney 4276
Jim Cowell 1830
District Clerk (Final)
Brenda Rowe 3528
Cristy Fuqua 2544
County Commissioner, Pct 2 (Final)
Rob Hawkins 538
Kevin Burns 1204
Justice of the Peace, Pct 2 (Final)
Karen Green 548
Terri Johnson 1121
County Commissioner, Pct 3 (Final)
Steel 130
Underhill 37
Lambert 555 (in runoff)
Davis 95
Wilson 364
Lamance 548 (in runoff)
Justice of the Peace, Pct 3 (Final)
Long 93
Hightower 608 (in runoff)
Montgomery 194
Burdock 182
Lisby 112
Hays 545 (in runoff)
County Commissioner, Pct 4 (Final)
Terry Ross 944
Paul Wood 862
Medina 2155
Hutchison 1931
Perry 2909
(Thanks, James. Great job.)
Mass Gathering In Wise County

Felony DWI Trial Going On

Random Tuesday Morning Thoughts

- If you had the television on at around 6:30 this morning, you saw a spectacular fire on Lower Greenville which destroyed Terrilli's and three other restaurants.
- I had a crazy date at Terrilli's in the 1990s. Not sure whatever happened to her.
- Someone commented that arson cases are often rejected by prosecutors because they "don't understand" the science behind arson investigations. Puhleeze.
- Gov. Perry grants a posthumous pardon to Tim Cole yesterday. Wasn't that one day before the election? Truly profiting off a dead man.
- My prediction: Perry gets 45% of the vote tonight.
- The Messenger is hosting an "Election Night Watching Party" tonight at the Decatur's Visitor's Center. Note to Decatur Police: Be on standby!
- There's a best selling book called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter? And there's a book soon to be movie called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (with Natalie Portman starring and producing?) Are we out of ideas? I read that in Time yesterday.
- Off the top of my head, I don't know the difference between Armageddon and the Apocalypse.
- The Evil Empire went from #1 in the nation to falling out of the AP Top 25 yesterday.
- I can't tell you enough how quickly my shoulder healed.
- Sean Hannity was implying yesterday that President Obama drinks too much. It's incredible what Fox News has become.
- The couple we stayed with in Costa Rica has decided to move their permanently. They don't have any kids and just decided to take a leap of faith.
- I heard their was a DWI-Felony trial starting today in Decatur. I'll check it out.
- Based upon some anonymous comments, someone I know is off her medication.
- The Jack County Courthouse shuts down on election day. Wise County does not.
- Slate magazine has a "Spoiler" podcast that reveals and discusses the end of movies. I just listened to one for Shutter Island. Oh, my.
- When you know your life is wheel's off: "Man admits to mistress that he killed topless dancer." There's a lot going on in that sentence.
- Have ballots ever designated the incumbent? I don't think so.
As We Say In The Legal World: Holy Cow
Talk about a screwed up system: A couple in Mansfield sued Perry Homes because of alleged bad construction issues with their home. Shortly before trial, they invoked an arbitration clause in the contract, went to that arbitration, and were awarded $800,000.
Perry Homes, not liking the arbitration award, appealed the case all the way to the Texas Supreme Court which reversed the decision and held that the couple waited too long to seek arbitration. So Perry Homes won the appeal and the case headed back to regular court. (Take a look at this Dallas Morning News story last February implying that contributions by Perry Homes to the Supreme Court campaigns makes the case look sleazy.)
But here's the verdict today in Tarrant County against Perry: $58 million. Ouch.
Edit: I predict this is going to be a huge national news story within the next couple of days. Credit to the Texas Lawyer's newspaper blog for breaking it first. (And I promise I would subscribe to that paper if it didn't cost $199 a year.)
Viral Video News

Bridgeport Prisons On Chopping Block?

Random Monday Morning Thoughts

- A filler story in the Messenger this weekend indicated that 1 in 5 employed Wise County workers have a job supplied for the government.
- Anyone else getting tired of the saying, "Everything is bigger in Texas"? (And I think it is because of Cowboys Stadium that I keep hearing it so often lately.)
- If you were watching TV on Saturday afternoon, you were certain that Hawaii was going to be wiped out by a Tsunami.
- From a recent George Will column: "Almost half of the House and Senate Republicans are from 13 states - the 11 of the Confederacy plus Oklahoma and Kentucky." Wow.
- Marie Osmond's 18 year old son committed suicide over the weekend by jumping off a building.
- All you Dallas Mav fans need to tap the brakes a little bit.
- Weatherman Brad Barton on WBAP a second ago: "The high today is going to be 48 and that's optimistic. Maybe that was the temperature at midnight." Maybe? You're the weatherman!
- Got through half of some old horror flick called Dead Ringers.
- I got so mad at might tight pants that I ordered a month's supply of Nutrisystem.
- One of the craziest stories you'll ever read is the one of the nude woman breaking into commissioners' court candidate Paul Wood's house last week. I also heard that wasn't a good kind of naked. (But I couldn't find the abbreviated version on the Messenger's web site.)
- For the heck of it, I was a photographer's "assistant" at a Hispanic wedding at Ruben's Ballroom this weekend. That is one heck of a scene if you've never witnessed one.
- But I also got to talk to Ruben who is a heck of a nice guy. They have wrestling matches out there? That would be funny.
Cowtown Half Marathon
One of these days, perhaps too soon, I won't be able to do it anymore. But for now, it remains one of my favorite days of the year.
- So did I finish? Yep. Did I walk at all? Nope. What was my time? 1:59:42. My fastest time since starting the half marathon four years ago. Let me brag for a moment.
- Favorite sign held by a little girl: "You Are All Kenyans In My Eyes."
- There were a bunch of real cheerleaders at one mile marker.
- Followed by a group doing the "Thriller" dance in full costume.
- The weather was absolutely fantastic. You'd think 40 degrees would be miserable but throw in no wind and the sun, and you have a glorious day.
- I jog with an iPod with about 40 songs on it in the shuffle mode. When I hit the finish line in Dallas last December, the ending song from Slumdog Millionaire was playing. The same thing happened this year. Odd and cool.
- I get a little emotional during the first half mile and the last half mile. It's just a recognition, as I get older, of the preciousness of life and health.
- I'm not sure what happened on the Kids 5K, but all of them got off course and and, although crossing the finish line, ran only about 60% of it.
- I heard Judge Cude's voice about 200
milesyards (oops) from the finish line and he snapped a pic. I haven't seen it yet. - Speaking of, his son David finished in 1:19:50 for 17th place overall.
- Thomas Aaaberg, the attorney who advises our commissioners' court, ran the full marathon in 3:16:50. That's one minute short of qualifying for the Boston Marathon.
- All Decatur finishers here. (And you can search for other towns.)
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