
Random Friday Morning Thoughts

  • I think we're having the 5,000th slumber party to night at the house. That is, after they all get back from the Justin Bieber movie. Think they'll be ratcheted up? 
  • The Texas Senate has passed the Sonogram Bill. It's comical that Rick Perry has designated it as "emergency" legislation.
  • If all the school districts have to layoff people for the next school year, they'll have to make that decision pretty quickly, won't they?
  • Azle motorcycle death.
  • DPS had a press conference yesterday and released surveillance footage of a potential suspect in the fire at the Governor's Mansion. Hey, that fire took place in 2008! What took you so long?
  • I updated the post yesterday but you may have missed it: The guy who was arrested for poisoning the trees at Auburn says on his Facebook page that he is a former Texas DPS Trooper.
  • Preseason Rangers prediction: They won't make the playoffs.
  • I jogged with an OU T-shirt yesterday and met a guy wearing a Longhorn T-shirt. He looked genuinely angry with me. Funny. (I bet I've got 20 different T-shirts with random college names on them. I even got one for Vanderbilt.) 
  • The Star-Telegram has a headline/story today that says a jury has "recommended" a 25 year sentence in case involving the death of a baby.  A jury never "recommends" a sentence. What they say is the sentence. 
  • Weather talk is boring, but is this not the craziest February ever? One week in the deep freeze and then two weeks of the warmest February weather I've ever seen. 
  • I've preached for years that conservative Republicans will lose power in the future for one simple reason: Demographics.  Yesterday's Census data proves the point. And is there any doubt that the percentage of Hispanics will be significantly greater in the 2020 Census?
  • Other Census nuggets: Bridgeport is 42% Hispanic. And Bridgeport has only 66 less people than Decatur.
  • Did you realize that Jerry Jones hasn't been seen or heard since the Super Bowl?